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Hi, I'm Korrie. Tired, single mom to 4 high-energy and high needs kids. My middle child, a 5 1/2 yr old son, is making me crazy today. He has ADHD, ODD and sensory integration dysfunction. He goes to Occupational Therapist (OT) once a week for fine motor delays and sensory integration.
First, let me describe my kiddos: :smile: I adore them , of course. I have 2 girls who are 7 1/2 yrs old. They are my 2 remaining triplets. They were preemies and their triplet brother passed away when they were 10 days old. Both girls have lingering effects of being 16 weeks early. One has ADHD, fine and gross motor delays up to 3 years and sensory integration dysfunction. She sees an Occupational Therapist (OT) and PT weekly. She is seeing a neurologist this week to determine if she has cerebral palsy (CP). She is also in the process (once school starts again) of being evaluated for learning disabilities; specifically in math. My other daughter has very poor vision (not yet low vision but getting closer) and is also seeing the neurologist this week to determine if she has ADD. I know she does,it's her father that needs the "official diagnosis." Then there's my 2 boys- The 5 1/2 yr old that I mentioned and my 4 1/2 yr old son who has Down syndrome. He's very sweet, adorable,smart and mischievous. He loves to imitate everything (good AND bad) that big brother does.
We have 2 cats and 1 dog. The dog is just as hyper as the kids. She's a Jack Russell.
My 5 yr old was THRILLED when we got her. He's been asking for a dog for a couple of years but I didn't want the added work and I prefer cats. But she belonged to my boyfriend and she's really sweet.She's becoming a behavior issue as well... :rolleyes: can dogs have ADHD?? LOL My son is now deliberately bothering the dog, teasing her, etc. She is very defensive around him and grols at him. Then he gets scared. My younger son gets nipped at/snapped at several times a day by the dog. He's learning to avoid her when she's eating or chewing abone. I've been training the dog to obey me-she's stubborn and willful too. But she has definitely targeted my boys as people to avoid or attack if they get near. :-( We may have to give her back to my boyfriend if the boys (specifically my 5 yr old) can't behave better with her.
Anyway, that's our family.
They go to their father every other weekend and one night a week every week. So I get a break and so does the dog. LOL But my 5 yr old seems to be escalating this summer with the negative behaviors. I thought part of it was adjusting to returning from an extended stay with dad for the summer but he should be back in routine by now and he's not. He starts kindergarten this year as well.
Oh, I have ADHD, sensory integration dysfunction and a learning disability as well.
And I'm a Special Education teacher. LOL figures...
Hi, I'm Korrie. Tired, single mom to 4 high-energy and high needs kids. My middle child, a 5 1/2 yr old son, is making me crazy today. He has ADHD, ODD and sensory integration dysfunction. He goes to Occupational Therapist (OT) once a week for fine motor delays and sensory integration.
First, let me describe my kiddos: :smile: I adore them , of course. I have 2 girls who are 7 1/2 yrs old. They are my 2 remaining triplets. They were preemies and their triplet brother passed away when they were 10 days old. Both girls have lingering effects of being 16 weeks early. One has ADHD, fine and gross motor delays up to 3 years and sensory integration dysfunction. She sees an Occupational Therapist (OT) and PT weekly. She is seeing a neurologist this week to determine if she has cerebral palsy (CP). She is also in the process (once school starts again) of being evaluated for learning disabilities; specifically in math. My other daughter has very poor vision (not yet low vision but getting closer) and is also seeing the neurologist this week to determine if she has ADD. I know she does,it's her father that needs the "official diagnosis." Then there's my 2 boys- The 5 1/2 yr old that I mentioned and my 4 1/2 yr old son who has Down syndrome. He's very sweet, adorable,smart and mischievous. He loves to imitate everything (good AND bad) that big brother does.
We have 2 cats and 1 dog. The dog is just as hyper as the kids. She's a Jack Russell.
My 5 yr old was THRILLED when we got her. He's been asking for a dog for a couple of years but I didn't want the added work and I prefer cats. But she belonged to my boyfriend and she's really sweet.She's becoming a behavior issue as well... :rolleyes: can dogs have ADHD?? LOL My son is now deliberately bothering the dog, teasing her, etc. She is very defensive around him and grols at him. Then he gets scared. My younger son gets nipped at/snapped at several times a day by the dog. He's learning to avoid her when she's eating or chewing abone. I've been training the dog to obey me-she's stubborn and willful too. But she has definitely targeted my boys as people to avoid or attack if they get near. :-( We may have to give her back to my boyfriend if the boys (specifically my 5 yr old) can't behave better with her.
Anyway, that's our family.
Oh, I have ADHD, sensory integration dysfunction and a learning disability as well.