Legal battles, un gratefulness, bone tired, VENT with cherry on top


Well-Known Member
Nomad, I am so sorry. I hear you. I feel the sadness.
Yes, if your daughter has a bit of Asperger's, that would definitely explain the ungratefulness. They have to be taught to at least say the words. :)
What a horrible mess she's is in. And what a jerk of a so-called friend.
I had mentioned on another thread how frustrating it is that our kids attract such low-lifes.
{{Hugs}} and best of luck with the legal work. Not to mention dealing with all the emotions.


Well-Known Member
I am new here on the board with so much to learn. As much as I am much is frightening. It is so hard to let go the yearning for a solution...for it to "get better" and trying to make it better. What recoveringenabler has written is so wise, so brave. I want to run from this truth.

The idea that peace of mind,, even happiness, lies in accepting a reality of pain, danger, insecurity, for my child...feels so impossible to me....yet I understand that keeping on with the idea that I can solve anything...has driven ME to the feeling of wanting to die.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I am new here on the board with so much to learn. As much as I am much is frightening. It is so hard to let go the yearning for a solution...for it to "get better" and trying to make it better. What recoveringenabler has written is so wise, so brave. I want to run from this truth.

The idea that peace of mind,, even happiness, lies in accepting a reality of pain, danger, insecurity, for my child...feels so impossible to me....yet I understand that keeping on with the idea that I can solve anything...has driven ME to the feeling of wanting to die.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've been trying to post all day, but there has been technical difficulties on the site.

Positive update...

We went to a hearing today and the judge granted a long term restraining order protecting our daughter from the very mean Difficult Child who hurt her. Much relief!!!! And she did well in court, honest and mature.

Also, I took her to lunch the other day and she was very appropriate and thanked me nicely at the end.

She also listened calmly when I told her I'm concerned about her eating habits...there is a diabetes concern. Normally this causes much agitation. But, she was fine and agreed to drastically cut back on coco cola.

Ok, so now I'm wondering,what caused this? But, perhaps it's part of having bipolar illness???? One day fine and a few days later...peculiar and difficult? Also, surely the brain injury doesn't help.

I've certainly enjoyed these last few days!!!


Well-Known Member
Nomad. You have been there for her. She knows it. Maybe the event got her attention, and for this interval focused on what was important. I am glad for her and for you.