Mom? What's a difficult child?
I have read alot about these wonderful dogs, we had a police trained dog when I was in high school,(for my father's illicit dealing's) but I loved that dog. We had properly trained dogs the few years I lived with my Father, and it changed my mindset on how great a dog can be!!!
So upon reading a lot about these PSDS, you can do a lot of the training as a family. Also work with a trainer and learn together...
So I found a puppy on line... I don't know if she is spoken for? Or not... maybe.
Just curious from those of you who have dogs with g'sfg abd who have trained dog's with your kids what you think???
K is doing great with her Hippotherapy and she has never been unkind to and animal, loves them all.
N has some anxiety and we are working with her, she loves our 2 cats, and is starting to get used to bigger dogs.
Both have never been mean or weird to an animal.
I would have a farm if we could. We are on the water and have an acre... lots of space at the end of a quiet dead end, no traffic, gravel road. everyone has dogs and they are all very well behaved!!!
Even husband is excited...
I think this could be good for K for her anxiety, social fear, sensory issues etc, for years to come.
So upon reading a lot about these PSDS, you can do a lot of the training as a family. Also work with a trainer and learn together...
So I found a puppy on line... I don't know if she is spoken for? Or not... maybe.
Just curious from those of you who have dogs with g'sfg abd who have trained dog's with your kids what you think???
K is doing great with her Hippotherapy and she has never been unkind to and animal, loves them all.
N has some anxiety and we are working with her, she loves our 2 cats, and is starting to get used to bigger dogs.
Both have never been mean or weird to an animal.
I would have a farm if we could. We are on the water and have an acre... lots of space at the end of a quiet dead end, no traffic, gravel road. everyone has dogs and they are all very well behaved!!!
Even husband is excited...
I think this could be good for K for her anxiety, social fear, sensory issues etc, for years to come.