Microwave Popcorn in Bags


Active Member
Wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with an allergic reaction to popcorn - the kind in microwave popcorn bags.

A friend at work came in today and was telling us that her son was eating a new brand of microwave popcorn and immediately seemed to have a reaction. He's never had a problem with food allergies, although he does receive allergy injections for environmental things - dust, pollen, etc.

They took him to the ER and are following up with pediatrician today and allergist on Thursday. The allergist suggested she bring in the bag/box with the ingredients on it, but said there might not be a way of knowing.

Thanks for any help,


Well-Known Member
I pulled up the ingredient list for General Mills Pop Secret (I chose the first brand to come to mind, I imagine most are similar):
There's is milk & soy in this brand; they are in to allergic top 8. Corn is also a known allergen for some. Then, you add coloring & preservatives, any of which may also cause a problem.
We use my air popper, butter and maybe some salt. That's it.


Well-Known Member
I only use the Newman's Own microwave popcorn with butter or I pop it myself on the stove.

A lot of the other brands have loads of stuff in them, so I can imagine there are plenty of allergens in them, especially with the flavorings/food coloring added.


Active Member
Actually there has been a thing on the news about the danger of microwave popcorn. They are calling it "popcorn lung", since people are developing severe bronchial symptoms due to the chemicals used in microwave popcorn. I would steer clear of ALL micro popcorn.


New Member
WW, you just had to ruin a good thing for me, didn't ya? Microwaved popcorn and Blockbuster movie night...geeez!

On a serious note, I know that some of the flavorings have food coloring in them. I'd be checkin out the label and comparing it to previous microwaved popcorn brands. Find out what is different and see if they can test for it at the allergist.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for your responses.

She had actually heard about the danger of having too much microwave popcorn from the story in the paper. She mentioned it just last week, which is why she said her husband had picked up a lighter, more natural brand - at least, so he thought.

The pediatrician doctor put him on steroids short term. The allergy doctor said to get it cleared out of his system - in about 2 weeks - and then they'll bring him in for testing. They need to get him feeling better first.

I guess his eyes got red and puffy and he said he was having a hard time swallowing. Mom gave him Bendaryl and he seemed okay, so she put him to bed. He woke up an hour later, complaining that he couldn't swallow and was having a hard time breathing. That's when they headed straight to the ER.

I had mentioned the microwave popcorn poppers when she first mentioned the story in the paper about the microwave popcorn bags. I rarely buy the bags anymore. We all love it popped in that microwave popper, because it's cooked with no oils, preservatives, etc. You can always add butter or salt if you want, but at least you know what you're putting in there.

She said the poor kid - his two favorite foods in the whole world are pizza and popcorn. Who'd have thought popcorn would send him to the ER?

Again, thanks for your help. I'll keep you posted after he goes to the allergy doctor to let you know what they think in case it helps someone else's child on here.



Active Member
Another possibility is that it wasn't an actual popcorn ingredient at all but something that it was exposed to in the packaging (such as peanuts). We have a relative that owns a small seed company and on the side they do package popcorn, nuts, grass seed, etc.


New Member
I didn't know a thing about the micro popcorn. It is so convienant too. What a shame. Guess we gotta do it the old fashioned way now, break out the 70's popper.

My aunt pops her own popcorn and then adds other ingredients. There are even popcorn recipe books. Guess we will be experimenting. Thanks for the FYI.


Active Member
We make popcorn in a brown paper lunch sack in the microwave. Put some popcorn in the bag, fold it over a couple of times and staple it, with the staples vertical, spaced far apart. Somehow, the microwave doesn't detect them if they are far enough apart. Pop just like regular microwave popcorn. This is my favorite way to make popcorn, because there is no pan to clean. And it seems healthier than the regular microwave popcorn.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'd heard about this, but not the milk/peanut issue ... it was that the chemicals in the butter heated up and combined with-the chemicals in the liner of the bag and were very carcinogenic. We have transferred it to a paper lunch bag for nearly a yr now.


New Member
Maybe my response is too late. My 15 old girl is allergic to microwave popcorn, but has no problem with regular popcorn. When she smells microwave popcorn she feels like vomiting and other times she gets migraine headaches. Smelling alcohol helps, so she always has small packs of alcohol pads in her bag.

It sounds crazy, but we no longer keep microwave popcorn in our home. Her doctor said it might be due to a chemical used to flavor the microwave popcorn, but since it has not impacted a great number of people, they aren't making it a big deal.

Wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with an allergic reaction to popcorn - the kind in microwave popcorn bags.

A friend at work came in today and was telling us that her son was eating a new brand of microwave popcorn and immediately seemed to have a reaction. He's never had a problem with food allergies, although he does receive allergy injections for environmental things - dust, pollen, etc.

They took him to the ER and are following up with pediatrician today and allergist on Thursday. The allergist suggested she bring in the bag/box with the ingredients on it, but said there might not be a way of knowing.

Thanks for any help,

V. Sunn

New Member
Maybe my response is too late. My 15 old girl is allergic to microwave popcorn, but has no problem with regular popcorn. When she smells microwave popcorn she feels like vomiting and other times she gets migraine headaches. Smelling alcohol helps, so she always has small packs of alcohol pads in her bag.

It sounds crazy, but we no longer keep microwave popcorn in our home. Her doctor said it might be due to a chemical used to flavor the microwave popcorn, but since it has not impacted a great number of people, they aren't making it a big deal.
It is January 2022 - but I will post my experience that happened early December 2021.
The microwave popcorn my family made to eat while enjoying a movie smelled good, so I ate a bowlful. I have had some digestive issues from this in the past, but more in concerns with the salt and my reaction of fluid retention.
However, the next morning my stomach began to feel bloated, gassy, and slightly sour. I thought maybe I had picked up a flu virus (??) The bloating became intense and I had what I will describe as "lightening storms" - very sharp pains going across my distended abdomen. I was traveling home - and wondered if I would be able to finish the several hour drive. I had some chewable DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract) which has helped with gas and heartburn in times past. I would chew 4 tablets and 4 Altoid Peppermint tablets - and then I would burp continually!
The pressure would ease for awhile and then build back up distending my abdomen.
The issue with my gut lasted for a few days (!!!) - sour stomach and gassy bloating until my son reminded me I have also used Diatomaceous Earth powder (Food grade!) in my tea (empty stomach) in the past for digestive issues too.
It worked!
I finally felt relief from the reaction to the popcorn.
I do believe there is some chemical in the microwave popcorn whether it is seasoning preservative, (or something in the bag itself? - possibly some chemical to keep the bag from damage in the microwaves?)
Whatever the cause - I will not be eating Microwave popcorn again!
What a painful reaction and hard lesson learned!