i have a 9year old stepson who I have raised since he was 2 1/2 . He had a rough start in his early years and was taken from his mothers care by social services . My husband and I could tell early on that something was going on with him and we suspected ADD. My husband was against medicating him so we agreed that if he was doing well in school we would try to manage his behavior on our own. Our son has done great in school academically, so well in fact that he has always been a couple grades ahead in all subjects since kindergarten. Once he got into 3rd grade his teacher told us that his behavior was negatively affecting his school work so we decided to give medication a try. He was diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, and we started medication. His grades went back up and he is having his best year behaviorally in school. His behavior at home is the problem now. He says no anytime we ask him to do anything, and when he gets time outs in his room for his behavior he kicks things, hits the wall screams, and says terrible things to us. I have also noticed that he tries to annoy people with making sounds , getting in their personal space, and being overly hyper . He does this anytime he loses a privilege. I am at my wits end and feel totally to blame for this because it is only happening at home. He has a younger brother and I worry about their relationship. His brother very rarely gets in trouble because following the rules is easy for him. I am terrified that they will not be close when they grow up and I don't want them to feel like one is the "good" brother and the other is the "bad" brother. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. I want our home to calm and loving, I hate that my oldest is having such a hard time. I just want to fix this for him.