neurologist appointment.



I was very impressed today with the doctor..not so much the nurse. (male nurse) Takes difficult child back to weigh him and measure him(as they always do) but he makes the comment, "Lets see how short and fat you are today". Now difficult child is not fat, but is small. He is very sensitive about his weight and height. As you all know he thinks he is fat. I was not happy with that comment because difficult child could of really been upset. But, he wasnt. He grew :smile:

Last July we went in for our three month visit and he only grew like .5 inches in a year. Maybe it was .75, but not much and difficult child was upset.

He grew 1/2 inch in three weeks! difficult child was happy.

Neurologist thinks he had a seizure. He said that it could be a one time thing, it could happen more often. So, he scheduled an EEG. A 48 hour EEG. They put the wires on his head, he wears a backpack thing and keeps them on for 48 hours. They told me this way they capture much more information than one hour in the hospital.

He increased his Topomax for headache control. Also scheduled him to see a Pediatric Cardiologist. For what ever reason, he lost consciousness. If the brain had a little hiccup, the heart must be checked. I am waiting for a call to set that up.

They came in and gave me pamphlets and explained all different type of seizures. Instructed me on how to handle it. He did not shake or anything. Told me that he should not be left alone atleast until they get the test results. That is not possible. He will be alone for 1.5 hours on Thursday and Friday mornings. I work to far away to leave 6 hours early and then drive back. husband is working at a place that has been laying off, and he really shouldn't miss work. To old to be layed off. I will check with the neighbor. He can go over their when husband leaves. I will discuss this with husband and difficult child later today.

I did get chewed out for sending him to school. He was real spacey, tired yesterday and was told I needed to have him rest.

Could also just be fainting, but they said they do not want to over look anything. He is really going through some changes right now and just has been acting off.

Baseball playoffs going on right now. I am worried about that. He doesn't want to miss a game. Tonight, tomorrow if they win tonight.

I spoke to school about what the dr. said just incase something happens.

Thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
Sounds very thorough.
I'm glad you went in.
Yes, you can be spacy after a seizure. But then again ... all you can do is rule it out. So sorry you have to go through this but it's a good idea.
Good luck with-your plans and with-the testing.
Keep us posted!


Active Member
I wondered if it may have been a seizure, as they can take a while to recover from sometimes. I hope they figure it out soon.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Seizures can make you really groggy and disoriented after. Even the short lasting absense seizures. (these are very difficult to recognize and catch unless you know what you're looking for)

Glad to see doctor is on the ball and checking all possibilities!!

I think I would have said something to that nurse. (without difficult child knowing it) "I don't think it is such a great idea to say to someone, Lets see how short and fat you are...wouldn't that hurt your feelings???? next time, please don't say it to my kid!

I am glad they are getting to the bottom of the problem. I hope you find out everything is ok real soon!

Keep us posted on how he is doing!



I'm glad to hear the neurologist is covering all bases.

With the increase in eating disorders in our youth (boys included, which is a rather new phenomenon, or so I hear), I would certainly say something to the nurse or the doctor about the comments.

I have no personal experience with Topomax, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read that it causes cognitive dulling in some people. I'm wondering if that explains why difficult child is so forgetful and if the doctor could provide the school with a letter explaining this and keep difficult child out of the office for silly reasons.


Well-Known Member
Topamax does cause cognitive dulling and could cause some of the forgetfulness. I also suspect part of the problem is just his defiance to authority as cant make me do this and I will show you all!

I have awful cognitive problems now due to the 3 medications Im on that can cause this. Combined they seem to be having a (I cant think of the word) effect on me. If I didnt have spell check on firefox my posts would be a lost cause. It takes me forever to type a post because I can get lost in what Im trying to say and word retrieval is a problem.

However, I keep lists to attempt to remember what I need to do, where I have to go, what I have to take with me, etc. I have two sets of in the car and one in the house. I make sure I have plenty of pens, lighters, paper...things like that so I dont have to search for things.

You can make up for the dulling. You have to keep lists. If you cant remember things, you write them down. You get two of everything and keep them in places. You never set something down. You ask for help.


Janet -

I've had pretty significant cognitive dulling, but I can't blame any medications. It was the blocked arteries and now the fibro. I, too, get lost in my posts and have trouble with word retrieval. I know what I want to say, but I can't seem to make it come out right. When I was 16, my therapist told me how articulate I was. Now I feel like I babble.

I'm so forgetful, too. My mom makes lists for everything. She told me to make lists. I said, "What happens when you forget where you put the list? You know I'd have to wear it, right?" :rofl:


Lol..what if he can't write? He has such difficulties with writing that he just doesn't. He will come home and type things when he can, but taking notes, writing assignments down..not happening.


Guest can it be that he can't remember to take a text book to class, or his work in or out of class, but he can tell you what college a professional sports player went to and what their stats are?


New Member
Now you guys have me thinking about Topamax and cognitive dulling. How do you know if it is cognitive dulling from Topamax or a symptom of ADD? My 12 yr. old sometimes stands there and looks at me as though I speak a different language when I try to explain some things to him...


Well-Known Member can take me a few minutes to formulate my answers if someone is talking to me but eventually I will answer you but I may say the wrong word...or stutter or start pointing to something and saying...that thingamajig.

Now not handwriting is a problem for me handwriting is awful now and I used to have such pretty penmanship. I can hardly scrawl a word. Its bad.

I did take a semester of college classes a couple of years ago and it was hard. I had to make sure I had my books in my wheeled bookbag, a notebook for each class, and I bought a small micro cassette recorder to record each class and transcribed the important points that evening on the computer.

My teachers were very good about helping me...and the rest of the telling us what the key points we needed to know. If I had any extra problems I just let them know.

You could ask the school if he could forgo the locker and take his book on wheels to every class. Keep all books and papers in the bag. Cant loose it then.


Well-Known Member
If he is just staring at you like you are from outer space, that is more of a teen thing. Parents are from outer space at that age.


Or he could have two sets of books. One to keep in the classroom and one to keep at home. We had that set up for my difficult child in her IEP, both because she would forget (executive function issues) and because trying to get to her locker and to class with the throng of students was too overwhelming. OR have him keep all of his materials in one central location (the resource room, for example). It's ridiculous that he is sent to the office over and over again for this.

Sorry I didn't mention that sooner. I completely forgot about it. :rofl: I really did, though. It wasn't until Janet mentioned keeping all his books with him that it reminded me. Sigh...
Our difficult child has two sets of textbooks, and this is included in his 504 plan. Just this one small thing has been a lifesaver! One book is left in the classroom, the other book is left at home.
So far, knock on wood, no more lost books!


I have a second set of books at home. difficult child knows that and tried to just not take his books home. But, I only want to use those books when needed. I want him to learn to be responsible and take his supplies.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts

difficult child, and in turn, you have been having huge problems with school this year.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I wonder if difficult child doesn't need a more contained, smaller setting - or a 1:1 aide to help him navigate school; to have a successful school year. He's struggling. I'm not sure forcing him at this time is helping your difficult child if he cannot process what he needs to do.

At this time, he's not getting the education because he cannot seem to stay in class; you're spending many many hours on the phone, emailing teachers trying to figure the problem out.

After 2 very frustrating years of pushing to keep kt in mainstream we transferred her to a more contained smaller school setting. I have to say with the smaller room, the resources to deal with her need to walk about, fidget, etc, she's doing well academically. While not at grade level - she's closer than she ever has been. The most helpful intervention has been an exercise ball. She uses that instead of a chair at her desk. It really helps with her anxiety & her inability to sit still.

Again - please do not take this the wrong way. I don't mean to offend. I'm thinking of how frustrated & tired your difficult child seems to be (from your other posts). I'm hoping he isn't dreading & learning to hate school because of his disorder.

Use what you can of this & ignore the rest.


Have thought of that. He refuses. Says the kids don't participate in discussions with teachers. (he loves that) He is now entering into debate. he should do very well at that. He has had 10 years of practice with me!

He struggles with any homework involving writing.
He gets angry/frustrated when others are talking, goofing around and he gets sent out.

We have discussed this, but want to give it a little longer. Hopefully my phone calls are almost over.