My name is Gail and I have two boys with ADHD. My difficult child 2 is 6 and is very smart. The problem is he wont do his work in school. He is currently on the patch (Dextrana) 15 mg. I had him boosted up last fall and his teacher complained so I put him back on 15 mg. He started making good grades and everything was fine, then she emailed me and told me he isnt where is should be and maybe he should be held back for another year of first grade. I am currently setting up a meeting with the school counsler and the teacher to discuss what to do. I know he probably isnt as mature as alot of other first graders and that may be the problem but I plan on insisting he be tested for Learning Disability (LD) before I let them fail him. I may even go ahead and boost up his medication. I just so frustrated. We go over his spelling words every night, take practice tests. We are doing the timed math sheets and he will get 40 problems completed in 5 minutes then at school he'll only get 7 done in 5 minutes and make a 68 on his spelling. The teacher nor I can sit with him all day long and make sure he does his work. What is wrong?
My name is Gail and I have two boys with ADHD. My difficult child 2 is 6 and is very smart. The problem is he wont do his work in school. He is currently on the patch (Dextrana) 15 mg. I had him boosted up last fall and his teacher complained so I put him back on 15 mg. He started making good grades and everything was fine, then she emailed me and told me he isnt where is should be and maybe he should be held back for another year of first grade. I am currently setting up a meeting with the school counsler and the teacher to discuss what to do. I know he probably isnt as mature as alot of other first graders and that may be the problem but I plan on insisting he be tested for Learning Disability (LD) before I let them fail him. I may even go ahead and boost up his medication. I just so frustrated. We go over his spelling words every night, take practice tests. We are doing the timed math sheets and he will get 40 problems completed in 5 minutes then at school he'll only get 7 done in 5 minutes and make a 68 on his spelling. The teacher nor I can sit with him all day long and make sure he does his work. What is wrong?