Can't comment on the Prozac. But both my difficult child's use the patch and it's been fine for them (although difficult child 2 seems to do a little better with short-acting Focalin -- just not practical for school days).
Anyway, we get about 9 hours of coverage from the patch. It can cause skin irritation, so we alternate the hip it's applied to each day, and if there's any residual redness I just apply it to an area that's clear of any redness.
The nice part about it is it's usually clearing their system about an hour after you take it off, so you have a little more control over how you want the medications to wear off. If we don't have homework and don't have to go out anywhere, I have them take their patches off when they get home from school. By dinnertime, they're usually ready to eat, which is good since they aren't too hungry during the day.
The only downside to the patch dosing is that it can take an hour or more for it to build up to a working level in my difficult child's. So in the mornings, I have to wake them up with a dose of the short-acting Focalin, and after they've woken up, eaten breakfast and ready for school then they put the patch on as we head out the door.
I swear my life is organized around their medication schedules!
Good luck with it -- hope the Daytrana works for you.