NO more ......WHAT?


Well-Known Member
So happy to "hear" about SO's new hearing aids!
Now If only I could get my happy butt and EARS into the doctors office!

Awhile ago my mom went to the casino...I heard her tell me she got "layed".
I said you did WHAT!?!
"Nooooo", she said, "I got Val-AY-d."
OMG, we still laugh about that.

I swear my ears and eyes are going and the street signs I read are getting sillier and sillier too.
This world is a mumbly blurry place for me.
Have to be like your SO and DO SOMETHING about this!


Stella Johnson

Active Member
You are hilarious. I remember how hard it can be with loss of hearing. When I had meningitis I lost most of the hearing in my right ear. Thankfully it all came back.
My dad has hearing aids but rarely uses them unless I force him to. Magically he always hears what he isn't supposed to.