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His father has been in Medellin, Colombia for a few months now. The father's older brother (son's uncle), owns a condo there. Which he visits on occasion, he lives in south FL...owns 2 hair salons there (in FL) and I guess the condo (in Colombia) was for vacation. Apparently, the dad is living in the brother's condo and now it's being used for tourists to stay there, on 'AirBnB'. The dad speaks English, obviously. So, the premise is that Americans, etc, that are visiting Colombia, will want to stay at that condo, with an English host--->my son's father.
Will son have his own room there? Sleep with the dad? Who knows. I saw today that the dad posted on his FB page, a picture of him with a 'girl' who looks the age of my son! His caption was: 'my baby'. On HER page, she has pics of her and a little, I guess he's dating a girl who is the age of his own son, who has a little boy.
Not surprised.
Son's bio dad is an alcoholic, relies on 'his' mommy, still. He owns nothing. She is in her mid-upper 70's. Ugh. Does son think that going there will be a nice 'break' from life? Beautiful spanish women for him? I can see this swirling in son's head. Also the temptation of 'spending time' with his father, which he's always yearned for a healthy relationship from him. It will never happen, I am afraid. My son is wishing for something that is not going to happen. It is sad.
I think the family 'sent' him there (bio dad), to live in brother's be 'rid' of him. Doesn't that sound horrible? Anyways, now, my son wants to 'go be with my dad for a few months, spend some time with him'. He is (understandably) still yearning for that 'bond' with his bio father, which never did happen. Since bio dad was missing for his growing up, even though he was in the same town. Sad. If any son ever needed his father, growing up, it was my son. Some sons are totally 'ok' with a missing dad while growing up. Not my son.
My son is tending now towards 23, his father, at 46, 'IS' an alcoholic. The 2 of them together, for an extended time...has NOT ever turned out well. It's like the blind leading the blind.
One Thanksgiving, maybe 6yrs back? When my son and father were in grammy's house alone, got in to a verbal 'fight'. Either the dad or dad and my son...were intoxicated. Somehow, it escalated into an all out physical fight...and one thing led to another. Bottom line, my son ended up hitting his father in the lip. Or eye. I cannot remember. Anyhow, the father called 911 on him. Father ended up releasing charge.
Do you see now, why I am freaking out that my son wants to go to a foreign be with his father?
Son has been talking about this for around 3 days. He's been asking me for his birth certificate. I told him yesterday I will take no part in supporting him going to Colombia. I told him I will NOT give him his real BC, in order to get a passport. That he can do that on his own. He acts like in a matter of '2 wks' he can have a passport and be on his way! I told him he's running from life and responsibility.
Some things I mentioned: What would he do with his car when he's gone? Where would he live when he got back to FL? Told him I didn't think he could work in a foreign country not being a citizen. How would he go to a foreign country with NO $ and then come back to the US with NO $? He responded: 'just're thinking too hard'. I said: 'No, I actually think about things and have foresight, foresight is kind of important, you cannot just wing this.'
Didn't hear from him the rest of yesterday afternoon, till last night. He called and then started berating us again.
Then, today, as if nothing happened last night (berating), he texts me a song from Alice in Wonderland, saying: 'sup mom
you'll love that song, show the boys...that's my generation movie from when I was a kid lol.' That was this morning at 11:40. I have not responded.
My head is spinning. Advice with this latest?
IT never ends....
Will son have his own room there? Sleep with the dad? Who knows. I saw today that the dad posted on his FB page, a picture of him with a 'girl' who looks the age of my son! His caption was: 'my baby'. On HER page, she has pics of her and a little, I guess he's dating a girl who is the age of his own son, who has a little boy.

Son's bio dad is an alcoholic, relies on 'his' mommy, still. He owns nothing. She is in her mid-upper 70's. Ugh. Does son think that going there will be a nice 'break' from life? Beautiful spanish women for him? I can see this swirling in son's head. Also the temptation of 'spending time' with his father, which he's always yearned for a healthy relationship from him. It will never happen, I am afraid. My son is wishing for something that is not going to happen. It is sad.
I think the family 'sent' him there (bio dad), to live in brother's be 'rid' of him. Doesn't that sound horrible? Anyways, now, my son wants to 'go be with my dad for a few months, spend some time with him'. He is (understandably) still yearning for that 'bond' with his bio father, which never did happen. Since bio dad was missing for his growing up, even though he was in the same town. Sad. If any son ever needed his father, growing up, it was my son. Some sons are totally 'ok' with a missing dad while growing up. Not my son.
My son is tending now towards 23, his father, at 46, 'IS' an alcoholic. The 2 of them together, for an extended time...has NOT ever turned out well. It's like the blind leading the blind.
One Thanksgiving, maybe 6yrs back? When my son and father were in grammy's house alone, got in to a verbal 'fight'. Either the dad or dad and my son...were intoxicated. Somehow, it escalated into an all out physical fight...and one thing led to another. Bottom line, my son ended up hitting his father in the lip. Or eye. I cannot remember. Anyhow, the father called 911 on him. Father ended up releasing charge.
Do you see now, why I am freaking out that my son wants to go to a foreign be with his father?
Son has been talking about this for around 3 days. He's been asking me for his birth certificate. I told him yesterday I will take no part in supporting him going to Colombia. I told him I will NOT give him his real BC, in order to get a passport. That he can do that on his own. He acts like in a matter of '2 wks' he can have a passport and be on his way! I told him he's running from life and responsibility.
Some things I mentioned: What would he do with his car when he's gone? Where would he live when he got back to FL? Told him I didn't think he could work in a foreign country not being a citizen. How would he go to a foreign country with NO $ and then come back to the US with NO $? He responded: 'just're thinking too hard'. I said: 'No, I actually think about things and have foresight, foresight is kind of important, you cannot just wing this.'
Didn't hear from him the rest of yesterday afternoon, till last night. He called and then started berating us again.
Then, today, as if nothing happened last night (berating), he texts me a song from Alice in Wonderland, saying: 'sup mom
My head is spinning. Advice with this latest?
IT never ends....