Psycho Gorilla Dad
All of us here have difficult child's (duh), or we wouldn't be here. It helps to talk and discuss with others who share our pains and burdens about those in our life who challenge us.
But what about those in our life who DON'T challenge us? Like many, I have a easy child daughter, and over the last year it's been really hard to pay needed attention to the difficult child drama and yet try and preserve a healthy relationship with her. Lately, she's said to me "Dad, I'm not Aaron....", translated as "don't project your fears and concerns for him onto me and treat me like him".
It's a challenge, every day, for me to keep that from happening. I'd like to hear other stories from people facing the same challenge of dealing with a difficult child yet preserving (as much as possible) a good relationship with a easy child (or wife/husband/SO), or whatever.
It's pretty tough, isn't it? Dealing with someone who seems hellbent on ruling the roost and acting out while at the same time trying to provide a "normal" life and childhood for your easy child?
Looking forward to other's stories....
But what about those in our life who DON'T challenge us? Like many, I have a easy child daughter, and over the last year it's been really hard to pay needed attention to the difficult child drama and yet try and preserve a healthy relationship with her. Lately, she's said to me "Dad, I'm not Aaron....", translated as "don't project your fears and concerns for him onto me and treat me like him".
It's a challenge, every day, for me to keep that from happening. I'd like to hear other stories from people facing the same challenge of dealing with a difficult child yet preserving (as much as possible) a good relationship with a easy child (or wife/husband/SO), or whatever.
It's pretty tough, isn't it? Dealing with someone who seems hellbent on ruling the roost and acting out while at the same time trying to provide a "normal" life and childhood for your easy child?
Looking forward to other's stories....