I see what you mean goldenguru. I generally go through both my daughter's rooms when they are away to just clear out the clutter anyway, so I don't think she will be completely surprised by it. I packed up easy child's room when she went to college as well. I put everything in clear plastic bins so she can find what she needs, but in the meantime, her room is decluttered until easy child comes home after college, IF she comes home. I guess I wasn't thinking about it in that way - I was thinking about it in more of a "let me clear this crap outta here and organize it" sort of way. I don't think I'm striking back at her - but I do think she needs to see that her choices not only affect her, but her family as well. I don't see anything wrong with that really.
I think my packing some of her things away will give her pause to realize *perhaps* that she is at a point where she needs to make some important decisions about her life and immediate future, you know? Some of her stuff is still there and all of her wall hangings are still up, her calendar (that was still on July! lol) and all her cows from her cow collection. I wasn't completely heartless, just wanted it very very very cleaned up. The bed is made all nice with her pillows and things. And all her jewelry is still hanging on their little stars and moon hooks. It's still her room. I don't think I over packed up her stuff, just a lot of it. You also have know that difficult child is a major packrat and every corner, nook and cranny was filled with stuff - just 'stuff'. Things she threw around or tossed haphazardly around without a care. At least this way if she does decide to move to her dad's for a longer period of time, it will be easy to just grab her stuff and go, right?
And I do think that she needs to face her choices - not in a vengeful way, but in a very matter of fact way. She's been harping about moving to her dad's when she's 18 for years and believe me, if I thought it was a good move when she was younger, I would have sent her, but it wasn't. Now it is so basically we've called her bluff and I think that she needs to know that she can't keep everyone of us hanging around waiting for her next move. When things get difficult for her at dads (if they do) and she wants to come home, she needs to know that she cannot simply bedhop and we're all going to take it lying down. This is OUR home and it can be HERS as well, but she needs to abide by certain rules and be responsible for herself. So, part of this packing her stuff up is also tied into those things and I don't think 17 almost 18 is too young to recognize that the world does not revolve around her and her whims. Many of her peers are off at college figuring it out for themselves, being responsible and doing what they are supposed to be doing for themselves. And likewise, there are many of her peers who are just like her, flopping around feeling sorry for themselves and blaming everyone else for their misfortune.
I don't think she will be incredibly hurt by this, and I don't think it will drive a wedge between us, but you may be on to something there - I'm sure it will create some reaction in her, but you know, I try to balance things with lots of love shown in other ways. I'm excited about her being here for her gramma's 85th birthday party but I'm not excited about her being here as an excuse to see her friends only. So, I don't know. I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. Thanks for the thought provoking response. I do need to see it in different ways.