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I need more help understanding how todeal with my school (elementary). My son has and IEP that addresses behavior issues which I believe are brought on by anxiety. He has a diagnosis of anxiety and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified. He is bright, on the honor roll and in gifted studies. Unfortunately, it seems these qualities only make the situation worse because the principal and teachers seem to equate his intelligence with "willful behavior". He talks out of turn, he talks to himself loudly, he laughs inappropriately, and he has trouble sitting still. This is especially observeable after lunch. In his IEP we have addressed the lunchroom as a trigger (Sensory issues...Sensory Integration Disorder (SID)) with the bright lights, social stresses, talking, smells, etc. We agreed that he would eat and then be allowed to do something positive like reading to kinders, helping in the office, etc. However, because he does not go up to them and ask to go do this, they don't make it happen. They say "he needs to take responsibility and tell us what he needs". Since when? The high anxiety also makes that difficult as he doesn't go up and talk to adults much (unless they are family) or even some children. The school psychologist says that the district doesn't recognize Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified and even though that could be fought perhaps, we are moving to a different state this summer and there's only 3 weeks left of school. Yesterday, the principal was upset/disappointed with his whole class over behavior and was "talking" with them. He spoke out of turn or to another child (he's not suppose to do that...I understand that) and he says that the principal turned to his teacher and said "I don't care what excuses his mother brings in, he's doing this on purpose". He could hear her. Did he really hear her correctly and understand? I would investigate that if I hadn't had this same situation happen before. His teacher does not believe he has any disorder and has said as much. My issues are:
1. I expect the principal to speak with me about her opinions, not cause further embarassment to my child.
2. We have an IEP which isn't addressed by the school so when these things happen after lunch (and they consistently do if they happen at all). He hasn't been allowed to leave the classroom because when he's asked (they don't implement a card system which would take away the embarassment and perhaps a bit of the anxiety) he has been told "not now" and put behind a partition in the classroom.
3. The gifted studies (head of Special Education) instructor changed her approach with him based on our IEP meetings and has seen positive changes.
4. The classroom teacher hasn't changed things and sees no change.
My son was hospitalized last October. Afterwards, we got the neuropsychologist evaluation and I started calling IEP meetings. My son's psychiatrist has agreed to write something today after a discussion I had with her regarding this incident that I could take to the principal to again try and bring about some understanding of the anxiety and behavior issues.
I apologize for sounding emotional. It's just that any type of discrimination really affects my spirit and I'm left feeling nauseous. Then when I mix in that it's my son....
Any advice or help is appreciated. School is out in 3 weeks...
1. I expect the principal to speak with me about her opinions, not cause further embarassment to my child.
2. We have an IEP which isn't addressed by the school so when these things happen after lunch (and they consistently do if they happen at all). He hasn't been allowed to leave the classroom because when he's asked (they don't implement a card system which would take away the embarassment and perhaps a bit of the anxiety) he has been told "not now" and put behind a partition in the classroom.
3. The gifted studies (head of Special Education) instructor changed her approach with him based on our IEP meetings and has seen positive changes.
4. The classroom teacher hasn't changed things and sees no change.
My son was hospitalized last October. Afterwards, we got the neuropsychologist evaluation and I started calling IEP meetings. My son's psychiatrist has agreed to write something today after a discussion I had with her regarding this incident that I could take to the principal to again try and bring about some understanding of the anxiety and behavior issues.
I apologize for sounding emotional. It's just that any type of discrimination really affects my spirit and I'm left feeling nauseous. Then when I mix in that it's my son....
Any advice or help is appreciated. School is out in 3 weeks...