Hi Y'all,
I finally was able to pick up the medical records and found out that my difficult child has bipolar and ODD. At this point, they're dragging their feet it seems and acting as if counseling alone will do the trick.
Not so! She had 8 days of just "Blehhhh", for lack of a better word, brattiness. The smallest thing will set her off into an anger fit and then once "the switch is thrown" it's done. The entire rest of the day/night is ruined. If she was trying at all, by the time she gets upset, then she just quits trying, she just goes into "oppositional defiant mode" and we spend the rest of the time until bedtime trying to stop it, or ignore it.
I'm not quite sure how to properly request medication for her. We have yet another evaluation/assessment tomorrow, so I wll be armed with records in hand, asking for something stronger than counseling.
I feel she needs something to level out the mood swings, or just defuse that trigger just a bit, or a lot. Since our last counseling appointment there were 8 days of yuckiness, then 3 good days, and now its back to yuck-mode again.
I have several books to read from the library, and I Bought a few used online also, on explosive children, defiant children, strong-willed children, etc. I don't want an instant fix, I would like things to go one step in the right direction where we don't have to constantly watch what we say or do, since one wrong thing will set her off.
I've given up on normal, happy or peaceful, I just want to quit feeling victimized and get over the "life sucks" attitude that I've taken on. I may be asking too much from life to have 2 children, who can co exist, and be able to spend time on something other than preventing a meltdown. Some days I wonder why I bother trying, since they happen anyway.
I feel bad for my son, he rarely gets quality time with me, he has to watch what he says and does, since she's older she tends to bully him more oten than not......
I truly need a respite, yet none is here. So I seek information and answers. From everywhere I possibly can find them.
I wrote a little while ago, maybe 3 weeks? introducing myself. We've had an update of sorts, yet no real solutions as of yet.
I"m finding since my difficult child is 10, that many places just want to shut me up and turn me away, send us home with "counseling will help BUT it will take time". With my stress level, my untreated high blood pressure, and lack of sleep, I'm constantly falling apart, and realizing that simple little things arise anger and frustration from me.
Please forgive the bad sentence structure and any grammatical errors, I'm trying to type coherenly here on 2 hours of sleep yet again.
I could go on and on, but I fear I've bored y'all to tears as it is. I guess it's normal to want to see an end or a change and feel hella frustrated when none comes.....
Time to round up the kids from outside and attempt homework.
Y'all have a great day or night!
I finally was able to pick up the medical records and found out that my difficult child has bipolar and ODD. At this point, they're dragging their feet it seems and acting as if counseling alone will do the trick.
Not so! She had 8 days of just "Blehhhh", for lack of a better word, brattiness. The smallest thing will set her off into an anger fit and then once "the switch is thrown" it's done. The entire rest of the day/night is ruined. If she was trying at all, by the time she gets upset, then she just quits trying, she just goes into "oppositional defiant mode" and we spend the rest of the time until bedtime trying to stop it, or ignore it.
I'm not quite sure how to properly request medication for her. We have yet another evaluation/assessment tomorrow, so I wll be armed with records in hand, asking for something stronger than counseling.
I feel she needs something to level out the mood swings, or just defuse that trigger just a bit, or a lot. Since our last counseling appointment there were 8 days of yuckiness, then 3 good days, and now its back to yuck-mode again.
I have several books to read from the library, and I Bought a few used online also, on explosive children, defiant children, strong-willed children, etc. I don't want an instant fix, I would like things to go one step in the right direction where we don't have to constantly watch what we say or do, since one wrong thing will set her off.
I've given up on normal, happy or peaceful, I just want to quit feeling victimized and get over the "life sucks" attitude that I've taken on. I may be asking too much from life to have 2 children, who can co exist, and be able to spend time on something other than preventing a meltdown. Some days I wonder why I bother trying, since they happen anyway.
I feel bad for my son, he rarely gets quality time with me, he has to watch what he says and does, since she's older she tends to bully him more oten than not......
I truly need a respite, yet none is here. So I seek information and answers. From everywhere I possibly can find them.
I wrote a little while ago, maybe 3 weeks? introducing myself. We've had an update of sorts, yet no real solutions as of yet.
I"m finding since my difficult child is 10, that many places just want to shut me up and turn me away, send us home with "counseling will help BUT it will take time". With my stress level, my untreated high blood pressure, and lack of sleep, I'm constantly falling apart, and realizing that simple little things arise anger and frustration from me.
Please forgive the bad sentence structure and any grammatical errors, I'm trying to type coherenly here on 2 hours of sleep yet again.
I could go on and on, but I fear I've bored y'all to tears as it is. I guess it's normal to want to see an end or a change and feel hella frustrated when none comes.....
Time to round up the kids from outside and attempt homework.
Y'all have a great day or night!