My son would fit under this article, but a psychiatrist who specialized in Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) ruled out bipolar 2-3 years ago. I'm not sure why. difficult child also fits criteria for other disorders, like the childbrain Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) test, and borderline for asperger's (which was also ruled out by an autism clinic 3 years ago). We moved to a new state and he is being re-evaluated now. Right now his diagnosis: ADHD/ODD/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), rule out thought disorders.
My question: What would happen if a child was diagnosed with bipolar and given a mood stabilizer, but had a thought disorder instead or ADHD/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)? Would it just not work or could the medications cause permanent harm?
I don't know anything about mood stabilizers, and I really want to know before the new doctors give me a new diagnosis (they are considering bipolar, aspergers, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), thought disorders). I know it's hard to diagnose all these disorders, and the label isn't really a concern of mine (the correct treatment is). If they recommend a mood stabilizer, I want to know what I'm getting my difficult child into.