Hi! I was directed over to this board from the general board. After receiving my letter requesting formal evaluation for Special Education services, my sd has set up pre-evaluation metg for next wee. According to Ms. Principal, this mtg will "determine which assesments need to be done...IF we decided to do any evaluations at all". Brief past son (difficult child) has 504 plan, and everytime we meet to discuss his continual school failure and frustration, I am told...He doesnt qualify for Special Education..doesnt qualify under IDEA because they say he "doesnt have a learning disability because he isnt getting F's all the time....has to choose to be more compliant...has to complete all his assignments" blah blah blah Anyway, I have had it and hope to get them to actually do assessments this time rather than base judgement on an intelligence test he had in first or second grade!! (I told them that it was my understnading that this was illegal). Question...I am trying to prepare a list of concerns and appropriate assessments to bring to meeting. Where can I get more info on this? difficult child is flunking all core subjects (but gets A's in band, music, art) His reading level is at least a year and a half behind age/grade, he just doesnt get math, he hates to write, his handwriting is horrible, he can spell words verbally, but messes up when trying to write them for tests....these are just some of the problems. His ODD frequently kicks in and he does "choose" (school's term) not to comply when he is frustrated or angry. I am trying to find an advocate in my area to attend with me..but may have to wing it on my own. Anyway..I'm sorry if this is a jumble....I just don't want to blow it this time..get intimidated and end up not getting anywhere. Thanks for any help I can get.
-Alisha Leigh-
Member # 7106
posted 03-14-2002 04:36 PM
#1. If you ask for a Full and Initial Evaluation, the school district must provide it. If not, they have to show cause why the request is denied. Make sure you get the denial in writing.
#2. Part of IDEA requires testing for learning disabilities. Some learning disabilities show up on the standard testing
as bigblue pointed out above. There's also WIAT II, WISK III, etc. If this hasn't been done recently, request it. Again, if they refuse, make them put it in writing.
#3. Many ADD children have co-existing conditions. Some children only show symptoms at home, so the parent sees things the school doesn't and viceversa. Poor handwriting is a symptom of fine motor skill problems which many times requires intervention by an Occupational Therapist. Print out checklist for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Sensory and Motor, Speech and Language, etc.
This has some Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) symptoms on it. There are other checklists available.
This page has info on sensory and motor, but there are other sites also.
Also, check out learning disabilities on the site.
You may know that Section 504 relates more to how ONE OR MORE disabilities affects life rather than being narrowly confined to a "significant disability" as defined by IDEA. This is some good info to have (it's more comprehensive than what you will find in the regs): Limitations on Major Life Activities
Good luck!
Also, might be beneficial. Actually, there are a lot of good learning disorder sites.