She was invited to join Honors Society????


Well-Known Member
Miss KT got an email yesterday inviting her to join the college's Honors Society. Apparently her grades are that good. I'm in shock. This is the child that caused WWIII every time she had homework, projects, etc. due, and now...



Well-Known Member
Mary, that's wonderful! Congratulations KT!

Y'know, I think that for a lot of our children the structure (or lack thereof) in college works much better than the traditional school system. I thrived in the alternative primary school I was sent to (nursery to Gr 6.), totally lost it in junior high and high school, and then thrived again at university.

Maybe the same is true for Miss KT.



Active Member

Way To Go!! That is great news and I think you two should reward yourselves! I hope this keeps her motivated to keep doing so well- she definitely deserves a pat on the back. Congrats, Mom, you're hard work is paying off!!