should i give difficult child his medications. to ssi appointment.


New Member
I have a appointment.for difficult child to be seen by a physhologist throgh should i give him his medications befour we go or not . i want them to see what i go through.not see the easy child he is on the medications. what do you think. :doctor:


New Member
what medications is he on?
Some medications work longer than for some medications a missed dose does not really show the effects immediately. There is a remote possibility they might want to do a blood draw to check medication level.....
I am not sure if they um.... if your child functions well on medications.....then they may feel he does not really qualify for ssi? I am not sure.
Did they ask for any school records or docs records etc? How does your child do at school?
I applied for my oldest in AUg (she was approved in Oct but the checks STILL have not started, the adjudicator keeps telling me she "is checking into the delay")
But they wanted to know what medications were trialed, what the effect of each medication was etc.....and they did ask for her school records etc, too. - and her IEP info and they wanted lots of info from her docs and everywhere she had any kind of treatments etc.


New Member
I know for my soc sec disability, they took the negative side effects of my medications into consideration becuz I am a nurse but I am on immune suppressants and I should not be around crowds or illness cuz I cannot fight it off, so altho my medications helped me be able to walk again and use my hands again, the docs do not want me in public if I can help it. So part of me being able to get my benefits is cuz of my medications.


New Member
He takes rittalin 5 times a day cuse it only lasts around 3 hours so i thought i would cut out his afternoon dose so he would still be ok in school.and the appointment is not until 5:30and by then he would be his normal out of controll self,screaming yelling cussing and every thing else.

Sara PA

New Member
Why not ask the psychologist? Ritalin is a short term medication and, depending on what you mean by "not give him his medications", you could either mean not giving the first dose of the day or not giving a second or third dose. Because of stimulant rebound, depending on when you aren't giving the medication, you could be showing the psychologist what he's like without the medication or what he's like in stimulant rebound (which is essentially daily amphetamine withdrawal).

ETA: You posted the same time I did. Eliminating a midday dose would put him in rebound and would not present a picture of what he's really like. Rebound is as much a drug induced state as the calm he gets when he first takes it.


New Member
well the thing is he can not funtion with out medications. and i want them to see how he is without them.but even with the medications they do not last long enough and when he comes off of them its going to get the teachers to right up things to but i just dont think he is on the right medications cause i dont think i got the right diognosis yet.

Sara PA

New Member
It's bad when he comes off the medications because of something called stimulant rebound. It really has nothing to do with whatever disorder he might have. The symptoms of stimulant rebound are hunger, agitation, irritability, crying, mood swings...

Sara PA

New Member
If you want him to see what your son is like without medication, consider not medicating him for a few days before the appointment, not one or two doses before the appointment.

ETA: That may be a bad idea, by the way. You do know that Ritalin is potentially addictive and that your son is on a very high dose.


Well-Known Member
I'm compelled to say that you need to talk to difficult child's prescribing doctor before messing with his medications.


New Member
My son, Dylan, gets SSI child disability for his DIAGNOSIS, not because of how he acts when we have to go into the office for an appointment.

From what I understand, the SSI administration is actually weaning off children with an ADHD diagnosis. That is just what I've heard from others. Just hearsay.

I, personally, would not keep medication from my child just to make it look worse than it is to get SSI. Not trying to be offensive here, but that's just not really the right thing to do.

My opinion only, of course.



New Member
thank you.i dont think your being offensive, i asked a quistion and got not worryed if he gets opproved or not im looking for a answer and atully thought let them see how he is on the medications and how he is when they wear off.because they just are not working.all i want to know is what is wrong with him and why he is the way he going to call tomorror to find out beause the around an hour long.


New Member
Thanks Janna.LOL- I was trying to figure out how to say that non offensively. Cuz I was under impression ssi is for people who are disabled and cannot function, but if they CAN function on medications....I was under impression then they prolly would not qualify.

SSI psychologist might have set an hour appointment, BUT here by us they do NOT diagnosis. Not at all. And they do NOT TREAT.
If ssi sent you to a doctor it is cuz ssi wants their own doctor to evaluate for THEM. That doctor will look at your child to see if he agrees with whatever the paperwork you submitted matches up.


New Member
Maybe this is what I am trying to say-----this ssi doctor wants to see for ssi your childs "level of functioning" for himself....
More than the diagnosis or label..they qualify people by their "level of functioning" And if level of functioning can be improved with medications, with acceptable side effects, they expect you to use the medications and function?
Thats my understanding, anyway.


New Member
heal also has a speech and launguge disorder.its like the information is not getting processed.and i dont know if the medicine(rittalin)is helping.thats what teachers noticed even when he takes his medications. it still is very hard for him to learn.but no one is offending me i appreciate your actully looking into other methods besides medications until i can be sure i have a diognosis.


Active Member
Talk to the doctor, and also ask the psychologist ahead of time what they want to see - the 'baseline' level of the kid 'au naturel' or how he is at his best, when medicated. If the psychologist wants to do some testing, to see what his potential is, and he functions better on the medications, then clearly it would be best to medicate him. It really does depend on what the psychologist wants.

My vote would be to medicate him as usual, but for us at least, we are given some leeway in dosing our kids, so we can adapt to any one-off change in their routine. An evening exam, for example, would benefit from a late afternoon dose (we've been authorised to do this). The drawback for us - he finds it harder to get to sleep, so of course we don't do this very often.

Don't vary medications without permission, but if you ARE given permission and the psychologist wants at least a glimpse of your son unmedicated, then take a small dose with you to give him once the "Exhibit A" situation is behind you. But again - check with the doctor, and also make sure it's not too late in his day for him.

We tend to carry spare supplies anyway. We've had a few unpleasant times when an early start has meant that kids were unmedicated. easy child 2/difficult child 2 totally blew an audition out of the water once, by forgetting her medications. Not good. She was angry with herself, because it would have been a really lucrative gig if she'd got it.



New Member
<span style="color: #660000">okay, color me confused. if you're not actually looking to get him qualifed for SSI why are you persuing this. the SSI doctor will not diagnosis or change his diagnosis. you really should have him evaluated by a neuropsychologist if you believe his is misdx'd. at least that's what i'd do.

kris </span>


New Member
My easy child, my youngest, got SSI disability for about 4 years.

When he was 5 months old we found out his bottom right pumping chamber in his heart never developed. He has congenital heart disease.

Over the several years of surgeries, physical, speech and occupational therapies, he continued to get SSI disability.

Once the therapies and surgeries were done, they cut him. I appealed it, twice, to no avail. He is not in need of any more therapies. He is on medication, yes, but he is fully functional and fine.

I guess my point is, just because you have a diagnosis doesn't mean you should get money from the government. You say yourself your child is a easy child on the medication, so why are you pursuing SSI?

And, no problem Dreamer. I am the furthest from softspoken there is. It's usually a problem :slap:



New Member
cause i need help.and his therpist told me to try to some help. i would never even of tryed cause i thought you could not get it but she told me there are people who scan get it.also he is a easy child feo about 3 hours.and then right back to old self.that is why he takes his medicine thruogh out the day.thank god it dont affect his sleep.and im also very happy to here yours in fine now and doing good.thanks for the input.