Spring has sprung


Going Green
I really wish I could find my digital camera. We have
a nursery in our backyard and I would love to get a
picture of it to post. One of the dogs recently
discovered a baby bunny nest. I'm not sure if she
managed to nosh on any of them but there are at least
5 that I can see and a good possibility of more shoved
clear in the back. They are sooooo cute!!! It's just
a mess of squirming tiny bunny ears and butts. Did I
mention how cute they are????

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I remember last year when our dog found a nest of baby bunnies last year. She managed to get to three of them until easy child rescued them. difficult child and her tried to take care of the remaining ones-we finally found a place to let them go. Every time we drive by difficult child says he hopes they are o.k.


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Baby bunnies are so cute. We get nesting ducks every year. One morning all the little ducklings are swimming in the pool. It happens every year. Lots of birds nesting around us too. Some of those babies don't clear the pool when learning to fly. If only I could keep those juvenile delinquent squirrels out of the yard, I'd be happy.</span>


Going Green
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fran</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style='font-size: 11pt'>If only I could keep those juvenile delinquent squirrels out of the yard, I'd be happy.</span> </div></div>

Wonder if they make some squirrel mood stabilizers that you could slip into squirrel food??? :rofl: