timer lady
Queen of Hearts
You can all be reassured that I was on my best behaviors at the staffing this morning. Both psychiatrist & therapist had a copy of my email in front of them at the meeting.
Having said that, kt will be discharged as soon as all the services are in place & not before.
psychiatrist did indeed spend time pontificating ... but on another subject all together. This time it was a genuine discharge plan we discussed.
kt isn't significantly more functional than when she entered Residential Treatment Center (RTC). While she has matured she still needs 24/7 supervision &/or care. She is "5 star Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)" - I knew that. However, psychiatrist reiterated that both she & wm would be a lot worse off if husband & I hadn't stuck it out with them. Their sense of abandonment has lessened to a great degree. kt's level of trust, while not significant as a whole, has greatly improved.
Her needs are still extreme & will be so for a while.
Having said that, psychiatrist worked on a crisis plan with us. Mental health case manager, attachment therapist, SW were all in attendance.
Here it is...."can you manage this?" Yes or no. If there is a situation I feel that I cannot handle I'm to call whichever person is appropriate. First line of defense would be CM & therapist, then crisis team. Then up the line to psychiatrist, 911 or ER.
psychiatrist stated that he really didn't care what kt was presenting...what matters is if kt is manageable in a home setting.
I'm not to wait an hour to call crisis team. I'm not to look into my crystal ball to decide when kt will come out of her meltdown or dissociative state. If it is present it is an emergency & the troops are to be called in.
Reassure kt that we'll bake the cookies when she returns from the hospital (or whatever); that we will be here for her. I need to relax & parent (as best I can with an attachment disordered, severely traumatized child) & let the pros do their job.
Easier said than done. Another meeting ensued when Residential Treatment Center (RTC) staff & psychiatrist left the room. Those remaining in the room started working out strategies, numbers, resources & such to make this plan work. All were in agreement that for the most part I should do my best to parent, while the others would step in when necessary.
Document any & all incidents. Take all breaks offered; don't neglect my health or my marriage. Make sure that I don't miss out on piano or golf (wish insurance paid for these).
It will take practice on my part; responsiveness on the team's part. We're all invested in kt's success & highest level of functionality & have agreed to be "on call" when necessary.
The best laid plans.... :warrior:
Having said that, kt will be discharged as soon as all the services are in place & not before.
psychiatrist did indeed spend time pontificating ... but on another subject all together. This time it was a genuine discharge plan we discussed.
kt isn't significantly more functional than when she entered Residential Treatment Center (RTC). While she has matured she still needs 24/7 supervision &/or care. She is "5 star Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)" - I knew that. However, psychiatrist reiterated that both she & wm would be a lot worse off if husband & I hadn't stuck it out with them. Their sense of abandonment has lessened to a great degree. kt's level of trust, while not significant as a whole, has greatly improved.
Her needs are still extreme & will be so for a while.
Having said that, psychiatrist worked on a crisis plan with us. Mental health case manager, attachment therapist, SW were all in attendance.
Here it is...."can you manage this?" Yes or no. If there is a situation I feel that I cannot handle I'm to call whichever person is appropriate. First line of defense would be CM & therapist, then crisis team. Then up the line to psychiatrist, 911 or ER.
psychiatrist stated that he really didn't care what kt was presenting...what matters is if kt is manageable in a home setting.
I'm not to wait an hour to call crisis team. I'm not to look into my crystal ball to decide when kt will come out of her meltdown or dissociative state. If it is present it is an emergency & the troops are to be called in.
Reassure kt that we'll bake the cookies when she returns from the hospital (or whatever); that we will be here for her. I need to relax & parent (as best I can with an attachment disordered, severely traumatized child) & let the pros do their job.
Easier said than done. Another meeting ensued when Residential Treatment Center (RTC) staff & psychiatrist left the room. Those remaining in the room started working out strategies, numbers, resources & such to make this plan work. All were in agreement that for the most part I should do my best to parent, while the others would step in when necessary.
Document any & all incidents. Take all breaks offered; don't neglect my health or my marriage. Make sure that I don't miss out on piano or golf (wish insurance paid for these).
It will take practice on my part; responsiveness on the team's part. We're all invested in kt's success & highest level of functionality & have agreed to be "on call" when necessary.
The best laid plans.... :warrior: