Status Quo


Active Member
Kanga is home. The littles are currently having their second visit with her. So far, she seems to be following the safety rules. The others are keeping their physical distance but are talking to her. We have a plan in place that will limit her contact with them and me to just 6 hours per week.

22 days until the grant funding decision...please keep praying


Active Member
Course, right after I post, she gets agitated!!!! Ugh, well, I'm taking the littles out of to you later.


New Member
Sending lots of peaceful vibes your way.
Sorry to hear that she's gotten agitated and you had to leave.
Praying that the decision swings in your favor


Active Member
As Eeyore said, "that wasn't so successful". The best thing was that Eeyore and Piglet both quickly went outside when Kanga started to escalate. Of course, Tigger just ignored her (good) but didn't leave (bad). I was able to get Tigger out to the car and we left. husband said that after we left she remained agitated and complained that our visit interrupted her tv watching. She hasn't seen her siblings in 3 months and she cares more about a tv show she's seen a 100 times?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

The littles and I are not going to even attempt to move home until after Easter. We'll try again then -- while things are going well at my parents, we could all use a good night's sleep in our own beds.


New Member
Sigh. Poor confused Kanga. Somewhere inside of her there has to be a sweet little girl screaming to come out. She doesn't deserve this. You don't deserve it. None of you do. I'm so very, very sorry.

I truly hate the games social services play with us and our kids. The bottom line is supposed to be what is in the best interests of the child. When will this actually be the case?


Active Member
I'm getting calusses on my hands from the beads, but I'm still rubbing!

I feel so bad for all of you, wish I could do more!
