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Our difficult child expressed to me today that she would like to take the summer off of her ADHD medication. I wasn't exactly thrilled at the proposal, but I didn't want to shoot her down immediately, so I decided we should talk about it. I asked her why she felt that this was something she wanted to do, and she was very matter-of-fact with me when she replied: "I am much nicer when I don't take them". The sad part is, that I almost agree with her on this statement. The thing is the stimulants making the behavioral/agression issues worse, and she KNOWS this is a side-effect...
From my point of view though, she was on these medications before she ever moved into our house, and sure, I have seen this change in behavior a day here and there when she forgets her medications, but we have never really seen her after she has been off of them for a long period of time. I know all that mumbo-jumbo about the stimulants supposedly not building up in your system and it is okay to take them one day and not the next with no adverse reactions or side-effects, but for some reason I have a hard time buying into the theory that NOTHING stays behind in their system to indicate that they are missing something they are normally used to having...and my biggest question is, will she suffer withdrawals?? If so, then I fear it could make things WORSE even STILL. We spoke to her psychiatrist about this option, and she said that she would support our decision either way, and didn't really have any suggestions or warnings about either decision. If we COULD cut out the Concerta, while keeping her on the Lexapro and Clonodine, I would be interested to see how her behavior would be, but I am afraid that if we end up on a bad course, we might have a hard time getting back on track.
I am curious if any parents of ADHD children have made decisions in the past NOT to offer the stimulant medications over the summer, and what the experience was with that attempt. Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks!
From my point of view though, she was on these medications before she ever moved into our house, and sure, I have seen this change in behavior a day here and there when she forgets her medications, but we have never really seen her after she has been off of them for a long period of time. I know all that mumbo-jumbo about the stimulants supposedly not building up in your system and it is okay to take them one day and not the next with no adverse reactions or side-effects, but for some reason I have a hard time buying into the theory that NOTHING stays behind in their system to indicate that they are missing something they are normally used to having...and my biggest question is, will she suffer withdrawals?? If so, then I fear it could make things WORSE even STILL. We spoke to her psychiatrist about this option, and she said that she would support our decision either way, and didn't really have any suggestions or warnings about either decision. If we COULD cut out the Concerta, while keeping her on the Lexapro and Clonodine, I would be interested to see how her behavior would be, but I am afraid that if we end up on a bad course, we might have a hard time getting back on track.
I am curious if any parents of ADHD children have made decisions in the past NOT to offer the stimulant medications over the summer, and what the experience was with that attempt. Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks!