The Cat Is Missing...and difficult child Is Going To Freak Out!


Active Member
I went to leave to go pick up easy child from sports camp and when I got to the front door I saw that it had blown open. I have no idea how long the door was open, and now I can't find the cat. I have looked in all of his usual hiding places, and even in the ones where he doesn't hide very often. I've looked all around outside. I can't find him anywhere.

difficult child is totally obsessed with that cat. He is going to absolutely melt when he finds out that I can't find him.


Active Member
Bunny put something outside in your yard that smells like your cat, so it will find its way back home if it's outside. I thought I lost one of my cats out the door once, and it was so scared of the door being open that it would not comeout of a hiding spot. We had been crying and searching and just like nothing ever happened he came down the hallway and jumped on the couch as though he had not a clue as to what ws going on. I hope you find him soon.


Active Member
^[%{?.,\^,|!!!!! That stupid cat!!!

I looked all over the house. Looked under the porch in the front and the deck in the back. Two hours later I was in my bedroom putting some clothes away and suddenly, out of whatever hiding place he was hiding in, walks Tiger the Wonder Kitty!!!

I'm so glad he never left the house and was safe, but I wanted to throttle him for hiding for so long.

Thanks for the good thoughts.


Active Member
Bunny, glad he's okay. cats are so different, you call the dog it comes too you wagging its tail excited, the cat lets you stress all about it and is laughing at you while he continues to hide.


Well-Known Member
So glad the cat is ok. One of my cats got out our back screen door one day. I shook a bag of kitty treats and she came running (although she looked really guilty!).


CD Hall of Fame
Really glad cat is okay! Even if you had a stress attack in the meantime ;) At least kitty turned up before difficult child knew he was missing.