Yesterday we had a team meeting with insurance people, MH/MR representatives, family based team, SD, and school personnel. Insurance people were asking questions about the recommendation for Residential Treatment Facility (RTF), asking about things that have been tried in the past and not worked, how many times difficult child has been in psychiatric hospital., etc. We're to have a decision about Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) by the end of the week. IF approved, then they said it's a process to do a bed search that can deal with the unique needs of our son. In the meantime, nothing else has changed, difficult child's behaviors still are erratic, he's only been home from psychiatric hospital since Friday, family based team hasn't really scheduled any hours this week with difficult child, they counted the meeting yesterday and psychiatrist appointment we have this Thursday as their hours. Same plan still in place if difficult child escalates and hurts himself or us, we call 911 for transport to hospital.
Anyway wanted to give an update.
The waiting game has begun.
Anyway wanted to give an update.
The waiting game has begun.