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we had court today- it was originally scheduled to be a competency hearing, but the evaluation hadn't been done yet (county health had rescheduled). Then, we were planning to use this court time to try to have charges reduced so I could get difficult child into an inpatient evaluation. Even though I had verified this before, I called insur. co again friday afternoon to be sure and then they said they would not pay for it. i called GAL and left voice mail fri afternoon telling her this. she had told me before that she would be at our house at 12:30 on monday (today) to discuss specifics about trial (scheduled for 2:00). Well, even though I had left her this voice mail friday, she still showed up and trial was still scheduled. she has always talked with us like she was on the same track and wanted the same for my difficult child as me. she wanted to look all through the house, which i had not expected. we moved in here last august but it looks like a month ago- some rooms still have boxes in them. so, i showed her living room, kitchen/dining, bathroom, difficult child's bedroom. everything seemed fine, although difficult child and I didn't know why we were going to court today since comp hearing or inpatient evaluation went wrong. she asked a lot of questions, particularly about school, which i answered and made sure she knew that i was appealing the sd's decision to place difficult child on long-term suspension and manifestation determination.
in court, prosecuting attny asked for difficult child to be taken off monitor and held; GAL says she's seriously concerned about my difficult child's myspace and that "Parent hasn't done enough to help him" (HUH) and that because i was against the day school that the sd proposed for next year, and because she was concerned about the psychiatrist switching his medications around, she has asked social services to be brought in and consideration be given to foster care. mind you, my difficult child was sleeping during day and up all night (suspended from school- which i'm appealing); then he stays up 36 hours straight then crashes for 16 hours after being put on lamictol so psychiatrist takes him off medications (friday). anyway, they are keeping him in juvy until June 11 because they say they can get the competency evaluation done by then (it was already scheduled by the county for May 31 so what does this have to do with anything?) and, GAL is supbeoning (SP) the psychiatrist. And, social services was put on standby to place my son in foster care. they say because he was staying up all hours of night on myspace. then they say because i didn't have him in counseling from last may until now. i tried to explain that we got overwhelmed with therapists last spring and needed a break. when we took the break, things got better, i didn't know why-i was just afraid to change anything. then when the bottom fell out this spring, i was trying to get him in inpatient evaluation but had a "plan b" for outpatient re-evaluation and counseling. this was not enough for them.
i was losing it. GAL sounded like sd's lawyer in court. i'm sure she misrepresented herself to me because she had already requested all this even before she came to our house. Why???? it's like they already have their minds made up. woman from social services says "if he's put in foster care, he'll just go from place to place, never come back home, and will not get any better". Then why are they trying to get him in there? i'm not perfect, but i love him, feed him, etc. what is it that they are trying to make me do? my son told me when he spent the one night in juvy in march, that the older boys threatened him sexually- said they'd get him in the shower. i'm distraught over what is going to happen to him in there.
how can they say i didn't do enough to help him? i lost it- and told woman from social services that if she thinks a foster home can miracously cure this and he'll become a perfect child, then send him there. i didn't mean i wanted him to go, but now i'm afraid they'll do it just on that. they said it looked like i was hiding something. why? if i was hiding something, would i be trying to get difficult child in inpatient evaluation? i didn't want gal to go in three rooms because they had boxes piled in them- and one was my bedroom. i didn't know she was coming to inspect. i know my half-brother has ALWAYS wanted custody of difficult child- my bro's gay and never married- lives with man- will never have children- and he'll do anything to get difficult child. He lives in a different state- could he be contributing to this?
Suggetsions, PLEASE!! I love my difficult child.
in court, prosecuting attny asked for difficult child to be taken off monitor and held; GAL says she's seriously concerned about my difficult child's myspace and that "Parent hasn't done enough to help him" (HUH) and that because i was against the day school that the sd proposed for next year, and because she was concerned about the psychiatrist switching his medications around, she has asked social services to be brought in and consideration be given to foster care. mind you, my difficult child was sleeping during day and up all night (suspended from school- which i'm appealing); then he stays up 36 hours straight then crashes for 16 hours after being put on lamictol so psychiatrist takes him off medications (friday). anyway, they are keeping him in juvy until June 11 because they say they can get the competency evaluation done by then (it was already scheduled by the county for May 31 so what does this have to do with anything?) and, GAL is supbeoning (SP) the psychiatrist. And, social services was put on standby to place my son in foster care. they say because he was staying up all hours of night on myspace. then they say because i didn't have him in counseling from last may until now. i tried to explain that we got overwhelmed with therapists last spring and needed a break. when we took the break, things got better, i didn't know why-i was just afraid to change anything. then when the bottom fell out this spring, i was trying to get him in inpatient evaluation but had a "plan b" for outpatient re-evaluation and counseling. this was not enough for them.
i was losing it. GAL sounded like sd's lawyer in court. i'm sure she misrepresented herself to me because she had already requested all this even before she came to our house. Why???? it's like they already have their minds made up. woman from social services says "if he's put in foster care, he'll just go from place to place, never come back home, and will not get any better". Then why are they trying to get him in there? i'm not perfect, but i love him, feed him, etc. what is it that they are trying to make me do? my son told me when he spent the one night in juvy in march, that the older boys threatened him sexually- said they'd get him in the shower. i'm distraught over what is going to happen to him in there.
how can they say i didn't do enough to help him? i lost it- and told woman from social services that if she thinks a foster home can miracously cure this and he'll become a perfect child, then send him there. i didn't mean i wanted him to go, but now i'm afraid they'll do it just on that. they said it looked like i was hiding something. why? if i was hiding something, would i be trying to get difficult child in inpatient evaluation? i didn't want gal to go in three rooms because they had boxes piled in them- and one was my bedroom. i didn't know she was coming to inspect. i know my half-brother has ALWAYS wanted custody of difficult child- my bro's gay and never married- lives with man- will never have children- and he'll do anything to get difficult child. He lives in a different state- could he be contributing to this?
Suggetsions, PLEASE!! I love my difficult child.