Hello Everyone.
So I was searching as I usually do for a "pat on the back" that not letting our 18yo difficult child come back home was the right thing, and boy did I get what I was searching for!!! I have NO idea how I have not seen this site in the 10+ years I have been "googling" for answers. Our middle son, the difficult child, was diagnosis at 6 w an anxiety d/o possib schiz, later evolved into just Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)/ODD, then about a year ago they switched to a Bipolar diagnosis, not that any of this really matters right? We all have children, yes children even thought they are >18, that have given us trouble and continue to shake us to the core, regardless of their diagnosis or our diagnosis.
I won't go into a complete hx but suffice it to say its been a rough 2 years and I feel like it's just beginning actually. He was addicted to presc. medications in 2011 but was sent to a psychiatric facility last summer and has been off those since. However he never quit smoking weed, and dabbling in others occasionally? But the substances are not the primary problem so I post on this forum vs substance abuse. His primary problem is his inability to obey anyones set of rules and to constantly challenge the boundaries. My husband (husband?) has been the "good guy" constantly picking his boundary up and moving it back bc "Im scared he will kill himself". Only recently have I begun to be hardened to this bc I think he is using it against us/him. During the last month he has taken the car with-o a license and permission and eventually brought it back dented when we said we would call the police. Taken our debit card and managed to get 3K of money and merchandise (yes it hit on Day 1 of the month when our checks were deposited). He disappeared again and then resurfaced full of remorse but no plan as to how to get a job or pay us back or enroll in the college we were offering to enroll him in. The last 3 weeks he started this pattern of being in the house M-Th and being w friends on the weekend. During this time my husband and I were discussing (sometimes heatedly) what to do and talking to MY counselor who agreed to meet w both of us (as she saw it was my husband not me that was squirly on the boundary issues). So we set up THE PLAN.....you all know the one right? Where you give them the ground rules for living at home: curfew hours, get a job, no drugs, enroll in school. Well we even gave him 2 plans, the other being Get OUt and we will put you in one of those apts near campus where you rent a room and you can go to college while you get a job (We are fortunate enough to live within 3 miles of a university). Well he said he wanted out, but didn't want to do that apt thing, so we told him to go get a plan and bring it to us. Thats where we were when he STOLE AGAIN! I did not think he was coming home (he'd been away for 2 days again) and left my car keys out and he got the keys and got my credit card. Difference was this time I had put an alert on it so he was shut down by the company quickly when the pswd failed 11 times!! I was furious!! We still weren't over the prior theft and I was mad bc we weren't "doing anything" letting him walk around w a watch and clothes he got with our money!! And he up and does this again. Well thats all it took for me. I called his girlfriend phone and told them/him to not bother coming home blah blah blah. I told my husband he better not let him come home etc. Well son was all remorseful texting his woeful sorries etc and I felt myself seeing the beautiful lil blond boy of my dreams. Soon I found myself telling him we would help him but things were not going to be the same. Lucky for me he did not take me up on this bc it was Friday, you know party time til Monday when all his friends go back to work and school.
So today is Monday and sure nut he calls Dad about coming home. I was furious!! I told husband just to tell him No. He knew this is what he had to do and then we wishywashed around again and decided we would tell him he had to obey the rules we went over the last time (you know THE PLAN). So he did and GTG acted appropriately angry so it made it way easier. husband called for moral support and together we decided that we did the right thing, but man does it hurt!!! I told husband we were thinking about this way more than him and I believe this is true. husband keeps saying "he has no where to go" and I keep reminding him to think of all the wrecked cars, counseling hours, and look at our bank statement where we should have residual money at the end of the month and instead we have used the credit card to pay household bills.
So folks. Moral support for this decision but I fear it is not over. What have you all done when asking a child to leave? Did you provide an apartment, a grocery gift card, college tuition? What?
Ill try to fill in the rest later. The other important factor in all this is we have a just turned 15 yo son still at home that is a great kid, watching our every move. He has been through so many emotions with his brother but has landed on the angry stone for now (since his brother also stole his glasses and phone on this latest spree)
So I was searching as I usually do for a "pat on the back" that not letting our 18yo difficult child come back home was the right thing, and boy did I get what I was searching for!!! I have NO idea how I have not seen this site in the 10+ years I have been "googling" for answers. Our middle son, the difficult child, was diagnosis at 6 w an anxiety d/o possib schiz, later evolved into just Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)/ODD, then about a year ago they switched to a Bipolar diagnosis, not that any of this really matters right? We all have children, yes children even thought they are >18, that have given us trouble and continue to shake us to the core, regardless of their diagnosis or our diagnosis.
I won't go into a complete hx but suffice it to say its been a rough 2 years and I feel like it's just beginning actually. He was addicted to presc. medications in 2011 but was sent to a psychiatric facility last summer and has been off those since. However he never quit smoking weed, and dabbling in others occasionally? But the substances are not the primary problem so I post on this forum vs substance abuse. His primary problem is his inability to obey anyones set of rules and to constantly challenge the boundaries. My husband (husband?) has been the "good guy" constantly picking his boundary up and moving it back bc "Im scared he will kill himself". Only recently have I begun to be hardened to this bc I think he is using it against us/him. During the last month he has taken the car with-o a license and permission and eventually brought it back dented when we said we would call the police. Taken our debit card and managed to get 3K of money and merchandise (yes it hit on Day 1 of the month when our checks were deposited). He disappeared again and then resurfaced full of remorse but no plan as to how to get a job or pay us back or enroll in the college we were offering to enroll him in. The last 3 weeks he started this pattern of being in the house M-Th and being w friends on the weekend. During this time my husband and I were discussing (sometimes heatedly) what to do and talking to MY counselor who agreed to meet w both of us (as she saw it was my husband not me that was squirly on the boundary issues). So we set up THE PLAN.....you all know the one right? Where you give them the ground rules for living at home: curfew hours, get a job, no drugs, enroll in school. Well we even gave him 2 plans, the other being Get OUt and we will put you in one of those apts near campus where you rent a room and you can go to college while you get a job (We are fortunate enough to live within 3 miles of a university). Well he said he wanted out, but didn't want to do that apt thing, so we told him to go get a plan and bring it to us. Thats where we were when he STOLE AGAIN! I did not think he was coming home (he'd been away for 2 days again) and left my car keys out and he got the keys and got my credit card. Difference was this time I had put an alert on it so he was shut down by the company quickly when the pswd failed 11 times!! I was furious!! We still weren't over the prior theft and I was mad bc we weren't "doing anything" letting him walk around w a watch and clothes he got with our money!! And he up and does this again. Well thats all it took for me. I called his girlfriend phone and told them/him to not bother coming home blah blah blah. I told my husband he better not let him come home etc. Well son was all remorseful texting his woeful sorries etc and I felt myself seeing the beautiful lil blond boy of my dreams. Soon I found myself telling him we would help him but things were not going to be the same. Lucky for me he did not take me up on this bc it was Friday, you know party time til Monday when all his friends go back to work and school.
So today is Monday and sure nut he calls Dad about coming home. I was furious!! I told husband just to tell him No. He knew this is what he had to do and then we wishywashed around again and decided we would tell him he had to obey the rules we went over the last time (you know THE PLAN). So he did and GTG acted appropriately angry so it made it way easier. husband called for moral support and together we decided that we did the right thing, but man does it hurt!!! I told husband we were thinking about this way more than him and I believe this is true. husband keeps saying "he has no where to go" and I keep reminding him to think of all the wrecked cars, counseling hours, and look at our bank statement where we should have residual money at the end of the month and instead we have used the credit card to pay household bills.
So folks. Moral support for this decision but I fear it is not over. What have you all done when asking a child to leave? Did you provide an apartment, a grocery gift card, college tuition? What?
Ill try to fill in the rest later. The other important factor in all this is we have a just turned 15 yo son still at home that is a great kid, watching our every move. He has been through so many emotions with his brother but has landed on the angry stone for now (since his brother also stole his glasses and phone on this latest spree)