Loony Smurf
ok so my 11 yr old is in middle school now, and he's having a pretty hard time. he's working his behind off and barely passing all except math, and that's with lots of extra credit. he has dysgraphia basically, and they're been treating the symptoms of that to a small extent by letting him use an alphasmart. he also has problems with his visual perception, tracking i think it was, and below average motor skills, plus his seeming difficulties with written expression, and to some degree oral also. he doesn't express himself well. he's barely reading on grade level, his writing scores are below grade level. in elementary school he was doing ok. but middle school with the several classes and all the homework and stuff he has to do, he can't keep up. the review wasn't actually due until january, but the Sped teacher and other teachers are concerned enough that they moved it up. I asked for a formal cognitive test, what else should i have them do? and if you have any, suggestions for how to help him?