timer lady
Queen of Hearts
I attended truancy determination with kt, mental health case manager, & PCA (to keep kt in line). Very informative as the next steps are community service (i.e. picking trash up at the side of the road), weekend placement &/or foster placement.
kt was the youngest child there; all the other kids in attendance were high schoolers - most of them juniors.
Mental health case manager once again stated the situation with kt; he stated that while the parents & he, himself, wants kt to attend school, there is a mental/emotional disturbance that cannot guarantee that - a contract with kt is moot. He also stated that community service would not be in kt's best interest, neither would foster care placement or a work camp, given kt's extreme vulnerability. He'd like a different, more appropriate consequence given kt's mental/emotional age. It's being taken into consideration. I'm in agreement with mental health CM. kt needs to attend school - she also needs a more appropriate consequence for school refusal.
kt, in the meantime, was doing her best to maintain - playing her gameboy & such & terrified.
We came home, administered a PRN medication. She's out on her scooter with PCA & being watched closely.
kt was the youngest child there; all the other kids in attendance were high schoolers - most of them juniors.
Mental health case manager once again stated the situation with kt; he stated that while the parents & he, himself, wants kt to attend school, there is a mental/emotional disturbance that cannot guarantee that - a contract with kt is moot. He also stated that community service would not be in kt's best interest, neither would foster care placement or a work camp, given kt's extreme vulnerability. He'd like a different, more appropriate consequence given kt's mental/emotional age. It's being taken into consideration. I'm in agreement with mental health CM. kt needs to attend school - she also needs a more appropriate consequence for school refusal.
kt, in the meantime, was doing her best to maintain - playing her gameboy & such & terrified.
We came home, administered a PRN medication. She's out on her scooter with PCA & being watched closely.