This thread has nothing to do with General Parenting. I’m posting here because it’s the first forum shown on the site.
If you have had problems with registering within the last 12 months please try to register again. There was an issue with some registrations that should be resolved now.
A couple of things to know when registering:
You will receive a confirmation email when you register. As the last step you have to follow the email instructions for a response to be approved.
If you don’t see the email in your inbox then check your spam folder for it.
If you don’t see the email in your spam folder then you most likely already have a user account with the same email address.
If you were able to use the site and posted before but are locked out now:
Most likely when you had problems with your user id you attempted to create another user id with the same email address. I think a notification would have been sent to the site moderators typically but was not due to the issues with the site. For now, try to re-register, with a different user name again. I think we will get a notification now and be able to identify long-term users with this situation.
This is a work in progress, I will update this post with additional information.
Some additional info. Our wonderful stand in Admin has proactively found users with more than 10 posts who were in the locked out status and has activated them. So if you are on the list below you should be able to log in:
Sooooo tired
If you have had problems with registering within the last 12 months please try to register again. There was an issue with some registrations that should be resolved now.
A couple of things to know when registering:
You will receive a confirmation email when you register. As the last step you have to follow the email instructions for a response to be approved.
If you don’t see the email in your inbox then check your spam folder for it.
If you don’t see the email in your spam folder then you most likely already have a user account with the same email address.
If you were able to use the site and posted before but are locked out now:
Most likely when you had problems with your user id you attempted to create another user id with the same email address. I think a notification would have been sent to the site moderators typically but was not due to the issues with the site. For now, try to re-register, with a different user name again. I think we will get a notification now and be able to identify long-term users with this situation.
This is a work in progress, I will update this post with additional information.
Some additional info. Our wonderful stand in Admin has proactively found users with more than 10 posts who were in the locked out status and has activated them. So if you are on the list below you should be able to log in:
Sooooo tired
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