I'm sorry for the additional stress that another meeting adds, but I hope it is productive.
Excuse me, but I really have more questions and I may have missed the answers in previous posts... Attendance is a BIG problem with my difficult child. With the onset of his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) at age 9, it was a daily battle to get him to school at times. I can still hear p.doctor #1 telling me "Don't let him stay home, or you'll never get him back to school". So I fought to get him there, and keep him there. Most days he made it, and struggled through the day, and would completely melt down at home.
Now that he's older, and sooo much bigger, it's impossible for me (dex has tried too) to get him there if he doesn't have a mind to go, for whatever reason. He's averaged 25 - 30 days per year for the last 4 years. I try to keep track of his absences on a calendar, he's got to be close to 30 absences this year so far (not including suspensions-2.5 days this year). He did have many days this year that were legitimate sick days, he had a couple of minor surgeries etc..I know the school is aware of his attendance problem and I keep waiting for that "notification" but it never comes.
Do you call the school when your kids are not going to be there? I have been calling my son's absences in, even when I suspect he should be there. I usually just say he is not feeling well (which is what he tells me). Sometimes I just say, he won't be there-no-one has questioned me. So his absences are being recorded as excused by me. I have struggled with this, and asked friends who have kids in the same school/District, how they would handle it. They've told me to continue calling him in, and give him a consequence at home. Some of my difficult child's absences are legitimate, at least to him, "mental health days". Some days, I truly cannot tell if he is really sick, if he's upset, or just plain being a difficult child teen that doesn't want to go to school. All I know is that none of my old tricks work anymore.
Truancy in my District, at least at the middle and high school level, is punishable by fines, after so many (don't know how many)the court gets involved. When my difficult child is absent from school, he stays home and sleeps the entire day away-I do check. So it is not always clear to me what his problem was. Although, I have threatened not to call him in-I always have. I think I am more afraid of the legal consequences if I don't, would it really help difficult child to wrack up 100's of dollars in fines (he has no job yet) and have the court watching over us? Punishments, consequences often mean nothing to my difficult child especially when he is in a bad mindset. If he starts to feel overwhelmed, even if he brought it on himself,it just makes the problem worse.
What happens when the difficult child can't pay the fine, easy to say get a job, harder to make them do it. Would I be responsible for the fines? some tell me yes (?!)
Sorry for the ramble, I am just really curious as to how the courts got involved with your truancy situation and what the consequences to the parent are.