wraparound services


New Member
the school sw and psychiatric have suggested we try to get wraparound services. they said it is usually for older kids heading towards the justice system but they are trying to service younger kids.

anyone have wraparound service and how did you feel about them coming into your home?


New Member
Hi Coleen,

We did Wrap Around here several times for Dylan and difficult child 2 (they had seperate TSS's and Mobile therapists, shared the same BSE).

Our first encounter wasn't good, but that was because the TSS's didn't want to work. They wanted to babysit. Our last enounter was the best, as the TSS we had was superb!

The thing about Wrap Around is it is a form of behavior modification. Our TSS came in the home, observed me, observed the family, and made recommendations on changes to help us all. Not only did he notice things Dylan needed to change, but my parenting skills as well, and taught me (slowly) how to change the skills to more productive ones.

We had our last TSS about a year. I can't say good enough about him. It changed our lives.

The thing with this is, you either get good people or lazy ones. We have had TSS's that text message boyfriends on their cell phones while they're here and are supposed to be working. Just keep your eyes open and make sure they're doing what they are supposed to be.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
It really depends on the state, the qualifications for services & the type of services you have in your home.

Respite has & will always remain high on my list - if I got my choice & only had one service it would be respite.

We utilize (or will be again, very soon) PCA (personal care attendant) & Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) (independent living skills) workers. The workers who enter my home follow the already written treatment & care plans.

In home family therapy was offered, however I turned it down. We have enough therapy outside the home, thank you very much. However, our workers have attended out of home therapy with us & are well trained in the skills & redirection methods that are in our treatment plan.

Our workers have also attended psychiatrist appointments - psychiatrist has educated these same workers on the tweedles diagnosis's & the plan of attack, if you will. What to look for in side effects from medications, when to call crisis team if they are alone with kt or wm.

Our state offers exceptional & well defined services. We have a CADI manager & mental health CM who supervises these services & we have quarterly team meetings for each of my difficult children.

Good luck - I hope whatever is offered is helpful in your home.


New Member
I agree that it can vary. Some are very helpful, while others come with a "don't bother me" attitude. I have seen both with my son. It can be a true blessing to have a good one.


Where do you find this? Who offers these services? Sounds like it could reallly help at our home.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
A couple of more thoughts for you.

Generally the step before in home services would be a day treatment school setting or partial hospitalization to achieve a level of stability for difficult child; so difficult child can learn versus simply being in crisis mode all of the time.

Was this just a suggestion or did they offer help in obtaining any of these services? Were you given a place to start?

It's all well & good to suggest this - it's a different matter to help a parent achieve this goal.

What/how would these services be utilized? Are we talking behavior redirection? Skills training for home life? Sibling interactions & safety?

In order to obtain services of this level, you need to have a very specific treatment plan & goals in place. Do you have a psychiatrist & therapist who will document this need?

It is also very intrusive - be prepared for very little privacy.

It can take months to set up services of this level. Some parents here have had very negative experiences with in home services - others have had very positive results.



New Member
cuz we are moving to the community mental health system due to $ restrictions we are "in the system" now and supposedly it will be easier for us to apply for services. the main suggest was to have in home therapy and sibling therapy.
they aren't even sure if we will qualify as doing this with-younger kids like difficult child is an area they are leaning towards but haven't tackled yet.

my main concern is privacy but i will do whatever it takes to help all of us moving forward to a more 'stable' home life.

things are a little bit better at home but still terrible at school but i want to make sure we are all on the same pg in how difficult child is dealt with-in terms of post reinforcement, time outs and such.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts

We've had so many people wandering about our home they have become a fixture here - I look at PCAs as medical equipment. Additionally, while the in home workers are mandated reporters, they must also sign a HIPPA agreement - what goes on in the home, stays there. If the HIPPA is disregarded in any manner it is automatic cause for termination of services with that individual.

When we interview anyone who enters our home, I remind them that they are entering a very fragile family situation. Criticisms aren't going to help. I need solutions not problems.

If they have anything to offer that might help - feel free. I can accept or reject.

It's a big step - hope you can find something, someone who can help


New Member
Lorhelpme, I emailed you.

Do be aware what wraparound is and what it means and how it is accessed and what it provides can vary VERY widely state to state, and even county to county.
Maybe yours has a website?