
  1. A

    Tired of talking to people who do not understand!!!

    I found this site searching for information on risperdal. My son takes that and has gained weight he can't stop eating and he can't sleep. I want to take him off of it but I am not sure of the risks and benefits. He also takes concerta and zoloft. I honestly want to take him off everything and...
  2. buddy

    thinking too hard, medications and weight, ramble

    Ok, Q is not huge, but he is now 5 feet and weighed 107 at the doctor today (had to go he said his heart hurt, I think it is heartburn but not sure so had to check). He is averaging 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. I have to get his height from d/c at hospital and the last two doctor appts to see if...
  3. Shari


    This summer, Wee has gotten even more hyper. His impulse control has gotten worse - he is frequently in someone's face or throwing things at someone. He is starting to back talk and is getting more defiant. It feels that my patience has been tested to the end. Just being with him is...
  4. A

    Day late and dollar short

    I just feel absolutely broken; I think I found this place too late. There simply is no peace in my house. My daughter seems to be actively trying to have herself removed from my care by CPS. Lying to her teacher, counselor, nurse, and/or school psychologist. They seem to think she craps gold...
  5. TerryJ2

    Turning off the Internet, practicing earlier bedtimes, school begins in a wk

    I attended difficult child's open house today (he refused to go), met his teachers, spoke with-the nurse, the PTA, and the guidance counselor. Bought a school tshirt. Came home to tell difficult child about it. (Called first, to tell him I was on my way, and to carve out some time for me.) He refused to get off of the...
  6. T

    I'm lost and need a "map" to get back?!?

    difficult child is not doing well at the new school at all. I have gone with him every day (Thu-Fri-today). He abides by the deal we made about him only going into each class (he has 6) for 10 min. If he does that, he gets 10 min on the computer in the resource room. As I said in my other thread, SpEd is...
  7. buddy

    IEP meeting and TERRIBLE end of the school day

    MOST interesting..... the principal and school psychiatric said NOTHING. I think I posted that the advocate had told the sp. ed. coordinator that if they said anything to me at all, one rude word, she was going to confront them right there and she had asked the coordinator to lock the principal in...
  8. J

    Losing control

    I am a single mother Who just recently returned from a year in afganistan. My 2 kids just moved back with me about a month ago. My 6 year old has had behavior problems going on almost 4 years. The last week he has been acting up at school and daycare, bad enough I had to pick him up. When we...
  9. Wiped Out

    Then there's difficult child...

    driving us nuts (see post about easy child/difficult child). He is just so manic like so much of the time. At his morning school he is rolling around on the floor, crawling, and talking like a two year old when he isn't angry and screaming at them or trying to barricade himself in a room. He's also refusing to go...
  10. A

    Another Newbie - with a medication question

    Hi all, I'm Anita, and I just found this board. My 10 year old son has ODD, with no apparent other diagnosis. We've been doing a social communication group, and therapy, but are wondering if there is any kind of "mood stabilizing" medication that might help. B is such a nice boy on a day to day...
  11. M


    Sometimes my posts get muddied by a whole bunch of free flowing thoughts that obscure the main point, which in my most recent post was for feedback regarding clonidine. I really need to know if anyone has had the experience of weening and how it went. I know I didn't exactly make that clear in...
  12. R

    Well we got a new medication to try from difficult child psychiatrist appointment and he had ok day at school

    difficult child did pretty good at school today medication free. Not great but for him good. Sure he talked out of turn loudly off and on all day long but he was able to stay in his seat most of the day which is huge for him. He did tell his para educator this afternoon that his brain was telling him to hit a boy...
  13. buddy

    General Ramblings and stuff....

    Well, lets see... first Q's doctor called and all the blood test results were great, no diabetes, not thyroid issues, no anything except even with 1000 units of Vitamin D it was still lowish....but it is much closer to normal. He has not been gaining at the rate he was... well at least his...
  14. M

    Honeymoon over

    Manster got his first "bad" week report since starting in Aug. Pretty good run, 4 months! Interesting tidbid is one of the days we had run out of Ritalin. Also we slowly are decreasing his morning clonidine. We will pay close attention to this and hopefully he'll bounce back. He was late turning...
  15. L


    Hi all, difficult child 1 has been having hallucinations. Some history: difficult child 1 has been having hallucinations since he was 5 years old. Most of the time they are benign; stuff he isn't scared of. Once in a while they really scare him. They don't happen often. In the few months he has been back with us from...
  16. T

    Can Depakote cause/worsen depression?

    Hi all, difficult child has been taking Depakote ER for about 8 weeks and in that time I think his depression has worsened. Before starting Depakote, he was up and down. Sometimes he was very, very up, and then he would have a severe but short down period. Since he started Depakote, he is down nearly all...
  17. E

    ADHD and extreme defiance in 5 year old. I NEED HELP!

    My 5 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was 3 years old. He is currently taking Adderall XR 5 mg and Clonidine .1mg. Lately he has been extremely defiant. He won't listen to us, he will flat out tell us no when we remind him of basic rules (like not hitting his little sister), he...
  18. R

    Coming out of liked mode for help

    I have a 6 year old son who has completely turned into someone we do not recognize. He started 1st grade in Aug which started our downward spiral. Last year he only had 1/2 day kindergarten and while he had a couple issues they were manageable and after a month or so he settled in. The ONLY...
  19. B

    Non-stop talking - how to handle without more talking

    I am new to the site. I had to laugh when I saw the note that said if I found this site I was probably having a bad parenting day. Boy, am I in the right place! We have been having a tough time with non-stop talking with my 12 year old son with BiPolar (BP), Adhd and ODD. When I say non-stop I mean...
  20. buddy

    He's home again!

    Home without incident! I had asked them to make him his own visual schedule and they assigned his favorite tech to be with him, they gave him a boost dose of his clonidine at 4 along with the dose at 5 and other than getting wild on and off (that is normal for him) he gathered up his stuff and...