
  1. JJJ

    Kanga can't even make it through a phone call

    and she is suppose to be coming home in a week??? Kanga called us during phone hours and talked to husband. I was at work but she told him to have me call when I got home. So I did. Why I bother I have no idea. Kanga: Mom, I'm ready to come home. Me: You know things will be different when you...
  2. amazeofgrace


    Ugh in the past two months, I have had Lithium thrown out on the table to me for difficult child II, 3 times. Today makes 4 times. Sigh............. I am on the fence on this one. I had an Uncle with BiPolar (BP), who died after the hospital over dosed him on Lithium, because they never bothered to check his levels...
  3. TerryJ2

    A perfect birthday party!

    difficult child had his birthday party yesterday. We went to a laser place and there were 10 boys. They rough housed a bit, but nothing out of the ordinary. I made a special pizza for difficult child but he didn't eat at all while the other kids ate their pizzas. He did eat some cake, though. Oh well. I let him open his...
  4. GottaLoveEm!

    Hi! I'm new to the forum.

    I'm joining forum to learn coping skills for 9 year old ADHD boy. (Or for me!!)
  5. F

    Drugs?No drugs?Some drugs?

  6. wakeupcall

    medication help, please. High Blood Pressure!

    My difficult child has a medication check next week, but I've stumbled on a little problem, I think. difficult child started Lithium Carbonate ER about two months ago, has had blood levels taken and seems to be at a theraputic level of 1.2. At the last appointment. I asked if it was possible for me to give him 1/2 tab. of...
  7. maniacmansion

    new here

    Hi! My difficult child is 11, bi-polar, & ODD. He drives me nuts!! Right now we're doing alright, but every time he loses it it gets a little worse. In a few weeks he goes to court for a change of plea. They're letting him plead down from domestic violence to dis-orderly conduct. I got lucky with the...
  8. H

    Could this be bipolar?

    I am new to this site, which someone recommended to me. I have been reading the boards for a few weeks and decided to go ahead post and get some feedback on my situation. I have an 8 year old son who has been difficult since he was a toddler. He has seen a couple of psychiatrists and one gave...
  9. R

    Please Advise!

    Hi...I have a 5 year old son recently diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. My neurologist prescribed Abilify to treat his anxiety issues, and outbursts. All the info I can find is for kids 10 and up. Has anyone had any experience with this medication? I am frightened by the warnings. Please advise!!
  10. R

    When is too much concerta too much?

    Hi Everyone: We had our difficult child on Concerta of 27 mg. We hadn't been to a psychiatric for evaulation since our original diagnosis several years ago. Our family Dr. retired and we were given a new one who is very antimedication. He prescribes the Concerta based on weight not on conditions etc. We visited...
  11. totoro

    I can't eat the Heart Cereal!!!!

    OK so I haven't really posted about K too much because well, she isn't doing well... same old story... she is up to 100mg Topamax, and still at 200mg Lamictal. Yeah I know I don't think these are the medications for here or the right combo. I would like to revisit Trileptal maybe with Abilify and the...
  12. mum2JK&TH

    Not ready to go back or how difficult child will take it

    In two weeks from now we have to put difficult child back on his medications. Not because we want to but because we have too and that in itself, breaks my heart. I am embarrassed to say "I hate school" He has still been a handful at times, ok, many times, but he has been affectionate and has always tried to...
  13. M

    medication question...when is it too much???

    Update... difficult child was released (per my request) from inpatient facility on a 5-day pass. They are all done adjusting medications for now and they were just keeping him there so they could transition him to day program. If things go well on the visit, he will be discharged. It looks like the day...
  14. C

    difficult child Discharged Today

    We are happy to have him home and hopeful that he is stable. We have had several extended, off-grounds visits this past week so we have been able to get a pretty good gauge of his mood. He is pleasant and mellow, infact a little too mellow at times (trying not to fall asleep in the...
  15. gcvmom

    Depakote trial update and questions...

    difficult child 2 has been on Depakote for about 5 weeks now and husband and I definitely see improvement from the medication wash period and the first few days on the new medication. Things that are noticeably better: oppositionality, argumentativeness, tantrums, obsessions, irritability, aggression, anxiety. Things that...
  16. wakeupcall

    HIGH, high, anxiety

    WHY is this happening? OK, puberty....or not. We just spent difficult child's spring break in MA visiting our daughter and our four grandchildren. difficult child was horrible. Ruined our whole trip, but what do I do? I have another child (my daughter) that I see maybe twice a year along with my four grandkids...
  17. totoro

    Pretty good apt. Tenex...

    So psychiatrist3 started apt by actually talking to K... asking her questions. SHe had a hard time answering, shy, anxiety who knows? "I can't remember" Was her answer. We discussed everything, he is very happy she is doing so well at school, making friends etc!!! So am I, she has never had a friend...
  18. steffybluebird


    My 7 yr old has been having alot of nightmares lately and has always been very scared of ghosts and monsters. He wants an escort everywhere and started crying today when we left him alone in his room. We have "boo away" spray (a spray bottle with water in it) and nightlights, music (lullabyes...
  19. Alisonlg

    Ok...go ahead and tell me I'm CRAZY!

    I've spent WAY too much time THINKING. So...follow me on my thought process here and then tell me I'm NUTZ and to shut my brain up and do the work I'm supposed to do and trust the Dr's to figure my son out, OK? So...since M was admitted, his pulse was fast and his blood pressure was...
  20. laurensmyprincess

    School is already a disaster. I am so sad

    difficult child started Grade 1 on Tuesday. I've been highly anxious all week. For those that might remember, she had a bad bad time with school in June of last year. She was highly anxious and just couldn't cope. She refused to go to school for several weeks in June. Tuesday started okay...she seemed...