$1000.00 a day for partial hospital program difficult child II is supposed to attend over summer (and summer program is 9-2 not 9-3). Program informs me over the summer there's no academics and school will/does not pay. Neither will our insurance. So I am so upset right now because SW from hospital had written down the Board of Ed was paying party. So after 1 1/2 hours with in home therapist (paperwork and repeating difficult child II's life story all over again) I ask about CMO assistance and she had no idea about how to go about it. So I am on verge of tears. difficult child II did ok today, he was home with d/h. They went for a hike and saw a movie (I was surprised difficult child II sat through a movie). But he's still obsessing about going to a video game store. He was obsessing about that the day he was hospitilized! :crazy: