My 16 yr old (will be 17 come May) has been getting worse and I don't know what to do anymore. He can be the best kid in the world and then other times he's ready to floor me and treats me like total you know what.
Last night I was "getting" on the kids about not doing their one chore that they are supposed to do each day. Well, the 16 yr old got mouthy and rude with me about it. They were about to go down to their pappa's house to stay with him (he is 84 yrs old and everyone takes a turn spending the night at his house so he is not alone - he lives right next door). Normally, they drive my van over down a path between the houses - but seem wheres difficult child was being rude I took my keys back from him.
He got even worse with the mouth after that. My husband told him to stop talking to me like that and just be quite. He told him to go to his pappa's and knock it off. difficult child said he wasn't walking and the yelling started between him and I. Finally he got up off the couch and slammed out the door. husband yelled "don't slam my door again" and difficult child yelled back to husband "Suck my (privite area)"
husband went out the door after him and yelled "what did you say to me?" and difficult child repeated it. I went out after him and told him that he was not going to speak to his father that way and he was yelling at me "hit me hit me" (mind you I could not/would not even think of hitting him - number one I hate hitting and don't use that number two I am 5'8" 140lbs and he is 6'2" and 200lbs)
Lots of words out of anger were said by him and I when he was walking away towards his pappas house. I called my sister to come get him and that is where he is now (about 30 mins away)-he told her I was mad cause I was drinking (I had a couple of beers) but what he doesn't realize is I would have been madder if I hadn't
Here is the deal:
There is only 1 1/2 days left this week of school (and he never misses any days) and then next week is spring break - so husband and I have a week and a half to figure out what to do
Things keep getting worse each fight we have (this is far from the first one)
He has a month and a half left of school and needs to complete the full year of the course in order to pass his grade and get into the 12th grade.
He could go stay with my sister but there would be no way for him to get to school (different county - different school systems)-once school lets out he could go there for the summer.
He could move into Pappa's but then he would not have any type of supervision and we still would be dealing with the same issues
He needs to get help but wont let me find him any (I have all I can do to get him to the phychologist for his medications every two months - and to get him to go the first time I had to take papers out on him and have the sheriff bring him)
Does anyone have any ideas, advice, anything???
Last night I was "getting" on the kids about not doing their one chore that they are supposed to do each day. Well, the 16 yr old got mouthy and rude with me about it. They were about to go down to their pappa's house to stay with him (he is 84 yrs old and everyone takes a turn spending the night at his house so he is not alone - he lives right next door). Normally, they drive my van over down a path between the houses - but seem wheres difficult child was being rude I took my keys back from him.
He got even worse with the mouth after that. My husband told him to stop talking to me like that and just be quite. He told him to go to his pappa's and knock it off. difficult child said he wasn't walking and the yelling started between him and I. Finally he got up off the couch and slammed out the door. husband yelled "don't slam my door again" and difficult child yelled back to husband "Suck my (privite area)"
husband went out the door after him and yelled "what did you say to me?" and difficult child repeated it. I went out after him and told him that he was not going to speak to his father that way and he was yelling at me "hit me hit me" (mind you I could not/would not even think of hitting him - number one I hate hitting and don't use that number two I am 5'8" 140lbs and he is 6'2" and 200lbs)
Lots of words out of anger were said by him and I when he was walking away towards his pappas house. I called my sister to come get him and that is where he is now (about 30 mins away)-he told her I was mad cause I was drinking (I had a couple of beers) but what he doesn't realize is I would have been madder if I hadn't
Here is the deal:
There is only 1 1/2 days left this week of school (and he never misses any days) and then next week is spring break - so husband and I have a week and a half to figure out what to do
Things keep getting worse each fight we have (this is far from the first one)
He has a month and a half left of school and needs to complete the full year of the course in order to pass his grade and get into the 12th grade.
He could go stay with my sister but there would be no way for him to get to school (different county - different school systems)-once school lets out he could go there for the summer.
He could move into Pappa's but then he would not have any type of supervision and we still would be dealing with the same issues
He needs to get help but wont let me find him any (I have all I can do to get him to the phychologist for his medications every two months - and to get him to go the first time I had to take papers out on him and have the sheriff bring him)
Does anyone have any ideas, advice, anything???