
Well-Known Member
I want desperately to lose 10-15 lbs. I started riding my excercise bike and walking on the treadmill. I'm cutting out all snacks. Diets don't work for me. I have to not eat breakfast, have salad for lunch and a healthy dinner and that usually works for me, but I have to commit to the excercie.

I'd be willing to share my progress too.



New Member
ok well i will start saying i wiegh 215 pds.and im 5 foot i need to do something.i called ballys earlier and made appointment. all week cause to bring the kids in.ill let you know how i am doing.this helps when i can talk to some one.and i hope other people will do it to.HEYwe could have our own biggest


Active Member
Barbara, you said, "Also, eliminate fat-free from your diet. Fat satiates us."

I have to agree. I've been trying to "eat healthily" for years. Decades. My specialist was telling me I needed to lose weight because it would be easier for me to get some vital exercise (not that I can exercise much) if I could lose some weight - my muscles are too weak to carry me far, and with less weight life might be easier.
So I did a lot of what Nomad suggested (good ideas, too, Nomad) - I refused to keep junk food in the house. No more biscuits, except husband's personal stash of plain biscuits and maybe some crackers. No more eating hot chips (fries), no more fried food, we would remove all fat from what we ate. I cooked everything from fresh ingredients. Casseroles would be stored in the fridge and any fat on them would be easily removed before we ate. I drank only skim milk and avoided sweet food other than fresh fruit. Every morning breakfast was a puree of fresh fruit with no added sugar - not even honey.

Then I had difficult child 3. On top of other health problems, my liver began to misbehave. I was diagnosed, after difficult child 3 was born, with fatty liver. My liver specialist said that this happens when you are overweight and that I needed to lose weight slowly, in order to improve my liver health. He referred me to the hospital dietician.
The dietician gave me the diet sheet with the food pyramid. She also gave me a lecture. "No eating fatty foods. No snacks of junk."
"I already don't do that," I told her. I don't think she believed me. But when I counted it up, it had been over ten years since I had started to eliminate fat from my diet. I'd even started to drastically cut calories as well.

The dietician told me how much I should be eating. "No more than four slices of bread a day, with only a scrape of spread."
"I only eat two slices with no spread."
She told me I wasn't eating enough bread.
"Hang on - didn't you just say I had to cut calories?"
But the book said I should be eating four slices, so four slices it became.

I gained weight. So I went back to my old diet but didn't tell the dietician. She congratulated me on losing that bit of extra, but after that at least not gaining. That's when I told her I had stopped her diet, due to the gain. She shrugged and said, "OK, you've proved your point. But two slices of bread isn't enough for the average person."
"I'm not the average person," I explained to her yet again. "I can't exercise, therefore I need fewer calories."
After several months of this I gave up seeing the dietician and the liver specialist (I had my own theory on why my liver was unhealthy). My weight stayed stable for a few more years then slowly began to increase. Hey, it happens as you approach menopause in my family.

So I went on the Atkins Diet. Nothing else has ever worked (other than total starvation which I don't recommend). And I lost 8 Kg over about 6 months. But BEFORE I had lost the weight, my liver was already recovering, even as the pre-menopause weight was piling on. Bang goes the liver specialist's theory.

I gained the weight back over the next year or so but several things I learned:

1) As Nomad said, do not allow 'bad' foods in the house. Do not buy them. Do not bake them. If they are there, feed them to your skinnier kids or give them to the neighbours.

2) Understand WHY you eat. If you eat for comfort, this needs fixing. Diet won't fix it. All dieting will do is make you miserable and put on MORE weight as you comfort yourself. See a psychologist and fix your head.

3) Do NOT eliminate fat. Eliminate saturated and trans fats where possible, and substitute with mono-saturated oils like olive oil and macadamia oil. Sesame oil is fabulous for flavour as well. And if I'm cooking in butter (which I do permit) I also add either of the first two oils to stop the butter burning. You still have the butter taste but it's healthier for you and cooks better too.
Low fat stuff in the shops - it has lots of extra hidden sugars in it. Be warned. And what happens - your body adapts to the sugars, your taste buds adapt, and your metabolism is badly affected and learns to crave the sugars. It makes dieting much harder because you want to eat more often and can't stop when you should.

4) If you include a small amount of fat with healthy foods like fruit and vegetables, you slow down the rate at which your body absorbs it. Pure sugars get whipped into the bloodstream fast, which then means the excess quickly gets turned into fat. Slower absorbtion keeps your blood sugar level more stable and will satisfy you longer. Hence my new breakfast - sliced fresh mango with a teaspoon of double cream.

5) Cook your own meals where possible, from fresh ingredients. The less processed ingredients, the less chance of something naughty getting past you.

6) Indulge yourself a little, if you've had a healthy eating day. But don't make a habit of it - you will find, if you're eating good, natural food, that you soon lose the taste for wrong foods anyway. But don't keep testing that theory or you will develop the taste right back again! And don't feel guilty - if you've broken your diet, don't go and eat a tub of ice cream as consolation. The diet starts again after the last naughty mouthful, so you can't justify eating more naughty stuff.

7) The French way (allegedly) - eat what you like, but no more than two bites of it. This forces you to have a variety of food and to NOT have to deprive yourself. Eat often, but small.

8) Cut the carbs and boost the protein. Not as severely as Atkins, but enough so you're not overloading with carbs. Do this especially when you're out and about. Make a point of watching carbs in all your fast food. You will be horrified at the hidden carbs.
Example: I was ravenous on Day 4 of my first Atkins attempt. I knew I needed to eat something so I bought something I felt was healthy - a chicken and snow pea sprout rice paper roll. OK, it's wrapped in steamed rice paper, I knew, but that should be all the carbs, surely? It wasn't. Hidden inside was lots of angel-hair rice vermicelli. The darn roll was at least 50% carbs. And I added some soy sauce which was suspiciously sweet.

9) Exercise as much as you can when you can. Walking is great. So is swimming. Whatever you can manage.

10) And now the most important finding of all - drink lots of water. I mean, LOTS. And water without anything else in it, apart from maybe a slice of lemon and an ice cube. Over Christmas I gave up on ALL the rules above. I ate like a horse, I was nibbling rubbish all the time, I served up home-made brioche with jam and cream but I always had a glass of water with me. I had family who were drinking lots of wine which I don't like to do, so I used water as my alibi. I knew I was eating far too much - but when I weighed myself I found I had lost several kilos. Since then I've kept this up - I'm not losing a lot, but I am still losing. Nothing else has changed.

So aim for balance (ie fewer carbs than you're used to), for natural food, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, for fresh ingredients generally and become an earth mother. And drink lots of water. If nothing else, you will be happier than those who starve themselves and also feeling virtuous into the bargain.

Good luck!


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Everything Nomad said! :bravo:

Weight Watchers also has an online program and it's really very user friendly. They have an online support boards for everyone, broken down by beginners, lifetime, age groups, genders, life stages, etc. They have meal plans, weaight trackers, ways to find out point values for your favorite foods. The program does not ban any particular food, so if you're craving an old fave, you can manage to fit it into your meal plan that day/week and still lose weight. They tout thier program as a 'way of life' as do most and it can be. WW has a Core program, which is similar to Atkins/SBD that I found to be very refreshing from counting points. However, that said, I do better with weight loss and energy when I follow the points program - I feel less deprived and like I have more choices in foods.

South Beach Diet also has an online support group through Yahoo and it's very good in that they offer meals and recipes, etc. The boards are super supportive and moves very fast (which I found hard to follow). I have the main SBD book as well as the SBD cookbook, which I incorporate into my WW plan - very good recipes, although there are a lot of seafood/fish recipes and I don't really eat fish...I improvise by using chicken.

Exercise, in moderation to start. After not moving for so long, I didn't exercise for the first 2 months on WW. And I still lose 8 lbs. When I added moderate walking on an old Jane Fonda treadmill I found for $5 at a tag sale, I lost a total of 16 lbs! And I gained energy and self respect and admiration for my success. I dropped inches and weight. Eventually, I was able to join a gym and do more structured exercises, using weights as well as aerobic. :smile:

My best friend is an Atkins fan for quick weight loss and it works for her. I've tried it and I can't do it, I simply cannot. I actually get sick to my stomach from eating such an unvaried diet. Yech. I need lots of fruits and veggies and the first two weeks, those are out.

Everyone's body metabolizes different foods differently, and you have to find the diet, or, 'way of eating/living' that suits your tastes and lifestyle. And once you find it, allow yourself the freedom to tailor it to your needs. I have found that if I'm too strict, I fall off the wagon faster and lose my motivation.

Best of luck - I've been battling the same 20 lbs for about 10 years now, so I would love to be involved in a discussion/support thread as well! :smile:

saving grace

New Member
I have had an extra 20 pounds on me since I had daughter almost 5 years ago, I will admit that I have tried to excersise and diet but never stick to it.

After the first of the year I joined Weight Watchers, It has been 6 weeks and I have lost 7 pounds! I have to say that it is not a diet, they just teach you to change the way you eat. The only thing is I have cut out soda and I dont eat as much sweets as I used to but I have gotten creative in the dessert department thanks to the meetings and all the great ideas. The meetings are "key" I did Weight Watchers before but on my on, this time I actually joined and I go to the meetings and it makes the difference.

It is sooooo easy. I havent been able to walk and excersise much due to the cold and ice here up north and I still lose weight.



New Member
hi and good morning,i am ready to start this.and i can do something funny when i was pregnant i never gained wieght i actully lost doctor said my metabolism went though the roof.i could eat anything i wanted and never gained its a shame i cant be pregnant all the time i would be thin .after having the babies i droped another 40 pds. but slowly everything went back to normal and thats when the wieght came back and i dont enen eat that much.its just how and when i eat.that is what i have to work on.cause with the children i never have time to sit down and eat a whole meal.i usally eat at night whenkids go to sleep so i can actully enjoy what im eating.i know that is a big promblem for me so i have to stop eating past 7:00p.m.and boy is that going to be hard cause that is when my difficult child starts to get hungry. and i let him eat what ever he want lukily he dont like junk food.cause he still has not gained no wieght in fact he lost another 2 pounds.yikes..ill check in here ..good luck everyone


New Member
I am doing Weight Watchers online for the 2nd tme in 2 years. i did it 2 years ago and lost 40 lbs...didn't stick with it and gained it back! I started the first week in January and have lost a little over 8 lbs so far. I am doing curves 4 times weekly as well. I am going to stick with it all this time and get this weight off as I have a closet full of clothes I cannot wear and don't want to have to buy new ones for summer like I did for winter.

I also found that getting into hot tub the night before weigh in resulted in a better loss than if I don't. I'm thinking maybe it boiled off the fat! :rofl:

I would love to be a part of a weight loss club where we could report our progress each week! I do this with a bunch of women on one of the Weight Watchers boards. We are having a great time with it. We have teams and different weekly challenges. this week it is 15 minutes daily of some type of excercise and 5 servings daily of fruits and/or veggies.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
wyntersgrace2! I joined SparkPeople!! What an awesome site! I can now cancel with WW inline since this one is free and basically offers the same everything. Wow - thanks for sharing that link- :bravo:


Former desparate mom
So I did 45min on the treadmill. Last week it was 30min. Not hard just walking.
What did you do today?

Breakfast is lite bread toasted(2 sl) with 1/2 oz of Neufchatel cheese and tsp of sugar free jelly. One large banana.
MVI,calcium, iron,baby aspirin are the additives to my day.

I'm trying to figure out how to do this thread without making it a competition. How can we be supportive with out it turning people off.
If you have some suggestions and are seriously committed to making this a viable topic then I could check with Cheryl about a forum. If members don't keep up participation then it will close.
I need to eat healthy and stop the up and down dieting. I need to keep my activity level at a point where it counteracts the sedentary life of an aging women without being crazy.

Let me know what you would like.


New Member
If someone who visits the board early everyday, starts a thread on the Watercooler under Weight Loss, anyone who wants to participate or comment can just go into thread and comment as to what they did the previous day and/or plan to do that day. It doesn't have to be a competition-just a daily thread where we can come and give ourselves and each other Kudos for what we are doing and share ideas/resources for what is working for us. I usually do not get on the board before 9 or 10 each morning.

Yesterday, I stayed on the WW program, drank 56 oz of water but did not excercise. Today I am staying on the program, drinking my water and going to Curves after work. Since we are having a "heat wave" here this week, I may walk for 30 minutes after Curves for more activity. I had yogurt and grapefruit for breakfast, plan on having a Morningstar Farms Black Bean Burger on an English Muffin for lunch and roasted chicken with asparagus and brown rice for supper. Since I am on Weight Watchers and can have what I want, provided I stay within my daily points, I will have points left for a snack of some sort. I love the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches (2pts).

Last week when I weighed in, I had not lost anything but I didn't gain either so that is progress!


Mom? What's a difficult child?
Good thread... I haven't lost weight lately, but I have not been able to exercise and have not gained weight!!!
I swear by a bowl of cereal or oatmeal in the morning, whole grain- as much fiber as possible, with a bit of fruit. Banana, raspberries.
I make myself a smoothie everyday to sip on until dinner, I may a whole grain cracker here or there and when husband is in town I will have lunch sometimes.
My smoothie is fat free yogurt and silken tofu, flax seed oil, I use a pure organic cran-raspberry juice and a banana and then lots of frozen fruit. I fill it to the top of my blender and this makes 2 drinks i drink one and put the other in the freezer or give it to the girls or husband.

We eat a salad every night and I swear by cooking light and eating well recipes. We make all our deserts and allow no soda and no fast food unless we are stranded out of town or somewhere with nothing else to eat...
So we eat sweets and don't deprive ourselves but we limit everything and started slowly. I started making our portions smaller, eating less bread, but when we did whole grain.
We still enjoy wine and beer. But I think if I could get my :censored2: out execising more, I might actually dope the extra 10 pounds... as long as I don't add more I am semi happy.
I think this is a positive group and it sounds like we are all in the same sort of boat, I know i am a mindless eater and eat when I am stressed!!! I had to stop... I have break downs on occasion but we have to forgive ourselves!!!

Good luck to all of us!!!


New Member
this sounds great and we can tell every one what were doing and see what works.first off i have to get to the store to get mom says eat one befour every meal it heps to burn calories.but if you have any liver promblems check with your doctor.the acid i think does something my mom had to stop eating them cause of the medicine she was on.
well i had two glasses of water so far. and a tuna fish sandwitch for lunch.i plan on having a salad with grilled chicken for going exercising tonight for one hour.this tuturned out to be a pretty good post im glad every one thinks its a good idea.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Today, I had GoLean cereal, which is high protein and fiber, low fat and calories; with skim milk. I throw in berries or 1/2 banana if I have them - very yummy and crunchy.

Then, I drank 4 glasses of H2O so far - not so great, but I will make up for it later.

I ate a salad with a hard boiled egg, some beans, and mozzarella cheese balls. Fat free dressing. More water.

I am having raspberries for a snack. And for dinner, I will have beef stew. Low fat, lean meat, lots of veggies.

I will have to talk myself into hitting curves later today before dinner, after dropping difficult child after work.

I think a thread similar to the morning thread each day would be the watercooler.

Good luck!

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Go Lean cereals are made by Kashi - you can usually find it in the health food section of your local grocer. They have several varieties to choose from. I like this one because the protien and fiber is so high. I also like the crunch one.


New Member
Sharon, I love WW! I belong online and it has been good for me. I'm not losing though...I wish I was but really I'm just trying to get a grip right now on portion sizes. We eat lots of veggies, whole wheat, etc. but I can eat truck loads of it! It's pathetic!

My difficult child took an interest in cooking and I thought that was fabulous when he didn't cook so well because it was so calming for him but now he's gotten to be a great baker (at 11). The bread alone is killing me! Yes, it's whole wheat but when yours truly eats a loaf...well, that's a lot of points!

I've got so many food triggers/red light foods. I'm beginning to think that "eating" is just one big trigger for me. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Yes this is the soup! I am eating it at this very moment. Of course you can add things to it if you want,( I add lots of hot sauce.) Not only is it healthy and low in calories, but its filling. The beans have protein,too -and you can add other kinds of beans- whatever you like. The hardest part of dieting is feeling hungry and unsatisfied. If you can find something you like that will provide this, its ok (I think) to eat it over and over. Whatever it is. If I want something sweet (always!), I try to just have a can of Jazz diet pepsi stawberries and cream soda.Anyway, you will love this soup!-Alyssa

saving grace

New Member
I love it. Any support is good support. I love my WW meetings as I find they make all the difference in the world in staying on program. You get awesome ideas for recipies and excersise etc...
Just when I start to get bored with my food, someone mentions something at a meeting and I am off and running again.

We can do that here.

Today I ate.

Brkfst WW english muffin, 1/4 eggbeater, one slice bacon and 1/2 fat free american cheese. AWESOME BRKFST SANDWICH WW points 3pts

Lunch BLT 2 slices whole wheat toast, lettuce, tomatoe and 2 slice bacon WW points 4 points

snack, 2 clemintines WW points 1pt

I am about to go have dinner now which is 1 1/2 cup wheat pasta and 1 cup of tomatoe sauce. dont remember the points on that one.

The key is you must have protein, carbs and good fat, veggies and water basically a well balanced diet.

I always have points left over for yummy snacks at the end of the day too.



Jo -

I'm glad you like that site. I absolutely love it!

As silly as this may sound, especially coming from a grown up, I have never learned healthy eating habits. I don't even know where to begin with it. It's actually kind of embarassing. As a teenager and into my early twenties I was mildly anorexic - which I guess is like being barely pregnant. :wink: What I mean is, I was not a severe case. My lowest weight was 90 pounds at 5'4". At 23, I weighed 103 and thought I was fat. Seriously. Put on a pair of shorts and took them off cause I thought my thighs were huge! (I was a size 2. How messed up is that?) Until 4 years ago, weight was never an issue, other than I always thought I was carrying too much of it...when I wasn't. Food was never something I was concerned with. I didn't care for food.

Well, that all changed 4 years ago. I still don't care for food. But it seems to like hanging around on me! And this isn't an anorexic mind thinking the body is heavy. This body is just heavy. I used to go to the doctor and they would tell me to drink ensure and milkshakes, etc etc etc. Now they tell me to work on a weight loss plan. Sigh.....

Long story short...I had some bloodwork done a couple weeks ago and my cholesterol is high. Doctor said to work on weight loss and a low fat diet. She may as well have been speaking Greek. I'm using that site as a way to learn healthy eating and healthy living skills. You know, being proactive and all...... :wink:

If you're interested, pm me and I'll give you my screenname on there and we can encourage each other through there as well.

ETA: I would be more than happy to support others here as well. I think it's a great idea.