mstngchick- remind those people that diabetics have insulin to control their kids blood sugar and asthmatic kids have inhalers to control their asthma, and your kids have medications to control their symptoms, too.
Marg-I loved your post.
Mmmm what makes me nuts? - I hate when ppl tell me there are medication for that. Ug, yes I know and between husband, oldest difficult child dtr, son and me we have trialed almost every single one in many diff combinations over the last 18 years, thank you. Or- There are laws the school has to follow for kids like that- Uh yeah, I know, been thru the whole due process thing already- but someone forgot to tell my school they have to follow the laws, including our due process hearing officer.
You are so strong. Yeah whatever- I have been lifting the cow since it was a calf---my muscles grew right along with it, it does not make it any easier or more pleasant. I do not want to be so strong....
How do you do it? Um, how do I NOT do it, tell me and maybe I will try it?
Aw it can't be that bad......hmmm..compared to what?
My mom, may she rest in peice said once- don't label her bipolar, cuz then she will live up to it. Hmmm.
My minister brother said to me once, you need to pray, you obviously do not have strong enough faith,- ask and ye shall recieve" and that is your "reward" HUH? Oh, cool, then your diabetes must be a testament to YOUR faith?
ANd my brothers twin sister, before she had kids said.....Who's the parent here? re: my sons long hair at age 2. (I did not want to cut it yet, she thought I was nuts) Same sister who now has a 6 yr old who runs the house and a 4 yr old who never wears clothes cuz she does not like them. (side note, my sons hair got washed daily, was always combed and it was cute, and yes we did cut it when he turned 3....- broke my heart, LOL- and he now prefers crew cuts-LOL.....and while people commented on my cute girl, I always wondered what planet they came from cuz my long haired BOY always wore denim overalls, red/black flannel shirts, little contruction boots etc type clothes.. and he always had at least 3 hot wheels cars in his lil hands -he definetly looked very "boy")
-------- and his sisters had hair to their bottom........