Sorry for bombarding you with this mess and posting so many questions. With only a few days to prepare for this meeting on the 12th, I am a bit frazzled to say the least! (Suz....I'll keep my IEP questions on Martie's forum from now on....sorry about that)
The school seemed a bit hesitant to even believe me when I say Andrew was diagnosed with ODD/CD because they have not received any sort of report from the psychiatrist yet about it. So I called the psychiatrist and asked that he fax me some sort of brief report stating the disorders he has diagnosed Andrew with. (for me to copy for the school) I received it within an hour. Now I have questions about the report. I need to understand it so I can help the school understand it!
Here is what it says as far as the diagnosis:
Axis I
Oppositonal Defiant Disorder with Conduct Disorder traits.
ADHD - not otherwise specified (not otherwise specified)
Rule out mood disorder (not otherwise specified)
Rule out Anxiety Disorder (not otherwise specified)
Axis II
No diagnosis
Axis III
Status post heart surgery
Axis IV
School and peers are Andrew's biggest problem
Axis V
I am not sure, but it says either SS or 55
Now for my never ending questions............
What does the "Axis" mean?
What does "not otherwise specified" mean?
And what does he mean by "rule out"?
The school seemed a bit hesitant to even believe me when I say Andrew was diagnosed with ODD/CD because they have not received any sort of report from the psychiatrist yet about it. So I called the psychiatrist and asked that he fax me some sort of brief report stating the disorders he has diagnosed Andrew with. (for me to copy for the school) I received it within an hour. Now I have questions about the report. I need to understand it so I can help the school understand it!
Here is what it says as far as the diagnosis:
Axis I
Oppositonal Defiant Disorder with Conduct Disorder traits.
ADHD - not otherwise specified (not otherwise specified)
Rule out mood disorder (not otherwise specified)
Rule out Anxiety Disorder (not otherwise specified)
Axis II
No diagnosis
Axis III
Status post heart surgery
Axis IV
School and peers are Andrew's biggest problem
Axis V
I am not sure, but it says either SS or 55
Now for my never ending questions............
What does the "Axis" mean?
What does "not otherwise specified" mean?
And what does he mean by "rule out"?