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Active Member
I agree but that's what PO is refusing to do- and even when we verbally agree to services, he won't commit to releasing difficult child if they are done. WTH? He doesn't have this authority. I have asked for another PO- that's how this ended yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't that done verbally with the present PO? I guess time will tell but I wonder if that constitutes an official request. DDD


Active Member
Yep but I want it documented and that way it gives a reason to document why I'm requesting it. Otherwise, he'll relay it the way he first yesterday which was to say "oh, you want a different PO just because I can't guarantee your son will be released in 30 days no matter what?" Nope- that's not why- it's because you've already held up one release date and now you are saying even if we agree on these services, comply and difficult child behaves, you still won't commit to having hhim released. This is illegal in this state, DDD.


Active Member
Ok- that one to PO/csu/Department of Juvenile Justice requesting a new po and release for difficult child and documenting conversation from yesterday is in the mail.

Now I take a breather and do the one to fed DOJ and that will be the one where I quote law however the basis of this is that our constitutional rights are being violated- unlawful detainment, lack of due process, parental rights, abuse of authority by law enforcement- but in support of that, in additional to us constitutional rights, will be that state laws in place to protect justice and those constitutional rights for juveniles are being violated and state authorities are doing nothing about it. Kind of like that judge who was violating the law in Pennsylvania- the state turned a blind eye so the feds jumped in.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you feel some relief having the letter on the way. Fingers crossed that good results come soon. DDD


Active Member
I think they will either try setting a release date for the 90 days in detention (which I doubt will actually pan out but I could be wrong) or they will order a release very soon. The reason I think the 90 days won't pan out is because I included fed doj in the cc and that would look suspicious to go back at this point and set a release date when it wasn't there between Feb 10 and today. I don't think coming home without services or anything and in this chaos with po is best but I can't help that they have nothing but a power trip over at csu. We could have followed thru with services that were on the table and being discussed in Nov but they refused to do that. PO is trying to be judge, jury, and prison warden, and that is just not going to cut it.