Hi, I'm a clinical social worker myself and believe me, all the professional training in the world doesn't prepare you for dealing with YOUR OWN kids.
I think the hardest part, for me, is hearing other people tell you, "If that were my kid..." and then hearing how much better they'd handle the kid than you. Either by swatting, belting, stares, intimidating, or they're such great parents their kids wouldn't ever even dare think of doing the things our kids do. HAH!
Despite all my professional training, I have found that good parenting doesn't mean you'll have a easy child. In fact, setting limits, being consistent, using points and other behavior mod. techniques DON'T WORK! At least many of them don't and surely not with my kid.
Used to hate hearing, "you're a pushover that's why she does it" or "you never taught her respect", or the worst..."if that were MY kid..."
WHAT?! Believe me, tried it all, tried everything. Even spanking her when she was little, NOTHING worked with her.
Been to psychologist, psychiatrists, social workers, ect. Some were helpful, some were not. To me, realizing that IT ISN'T ME that's the problem, that I AM a good parent and my child is not this way because of any lack on my part took me years to accept. It was a relief, but at the same time, like I said, took me years to accept, mostly because I kept getting the message that I MUST be doing something wrong. And I wasn't.
Hope this helps.