difficult child is home again---


Well-Known Member
and I am in a wait and see mode. He did go to voc rehab today and made an appointment. for meeting on Tuesday. He has not been in contact with any of his old friends---won't even go to Walmart or convenient store without adult supervision. He is making plans for the future---and they actually make sense. He is so bright when he is not using. He needs 1 credit to graduate from hs. He has started the class 4 times---I talked to adult ed director today. The kid can obviously read and write---give him a passing grade and let him go---he needs to move on and not spend 2 hours a day reading Beowulf because the English teacher in adult ed (an idiot) thinks he needs it in "real life." I will fight the district on this one. I don't want him back there because of the drug environment. Other than that it's been pretty somber around here---husband is in mourning and is feeling a little orphaned right now.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm glad he seems to be making some good plans and that he isn't using right now and is trying hard to stay away from enviroments he know are rough. Keeping him in my prayers. :angel:

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
This sounds promising! I agree with you on your views on Beuwulf. While it may be a good piece of literature (iffy in my mind), it certainly isn't going to help in your day to day life.

Keeping fingers crossed for difficult child. Thanks for the update.


Well-Known Member
he needs to move on and not spend 2 hours a day reading Beowulf because the English teacher in adult ed (an idiot) thinks he needs it in "real life." I will fight the district on this one. I don't want him back there because of the drug environment.

Wow, talk about poetic injustice. Maybe your difficult child can write an essay comparing the hero in Beowulf to himself, fighting drugs at school... I don't think the teacher would like that! :wink:

So sorry for husband. It's hard.


New Member
It's a good sign that he's staying away from the old friends. Hopefully he can continue to make these choices and stay clean. I learned with my difficult child that it isn't easy and he has to put a lot of effort into it. Hopefully your difficult child will have the determination he needs.


Active Member
I am not sure if I read Beowolf in High school, if I did I do not remember it. Guess it is doing me a lot of good, huh? :hammer: