difficult child is persistent, cross your fingers

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
So difficult child has decided he must get a job. He has been begging me to take him around so he can gather applications. Then he asks me to go in with him and he asks to see a manager. For two days we have been doing this. He did meet a really nice manager at one of the restaurants. He wants to bus and be a dishwasher. The manager told him to call back on Monday around 11 and ask to set up a 1:00 interview.

difficult child always wants me to go along to explain his disabilities. At the restaurant that asked him to call back, the manager said he appreciated me going in and explaining about the disabilities.

Keep your fingers crossed he gets this; he soooo wants to work!


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed! It's great to hear about a young man willing to bus and dishwash when starting work! We've had the same young man as our dishwasher since we opened our venues in November of 2011 and he has some challenges as well -- he take great pride in his job!

Good luck to difficult child -- fingers and toes crossed!


Well-Known Member
Very good! Persistence pays off.
And a lot of businesses make it their biz to hire people with disabilities. Fingers crossed!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for asking. He actually hasn't started yet and is frustrated. He was supposed to meet them last Monday and they changed it til Friday. Friday they called to change it to Tuesday. They did tell him to bring his ID and his birth certificate so I am assuming it is still a go. Hopefully tomorrow's meeting will go well.


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed! So sorry about the changes and cancellations. That's one of the most frustrating things about life in general, never mind that it involves a difficult child.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Terry! It has been very frustrating especially for difficult child. He did meet yesterday and is scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Keep those body parts crossed that all goes well!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
So far so good! He cannot wait to get his first paycheck! Interestingly enough it is deposited directly into a debit card from the company. Now he thinks he has a credit card-yikes!