So I know this is my second post for today but things just went from bad to worse. I got a call (for the 3rd time in 2 weeks) from the asst. principal this afternoon. Today he got into a fist fight with a 5th grader at recess (difficult child is in 3rd) Every single day is something bad...why why is it so hard for him to just go to school and freaking behave? I find myself being so filled with anger towards him that I can't find ANY thing positive to say to him, other than "I love you and good nite". I am so mad, discouraged, depressed about all things difficult child. Its reflected in my relationship with easy child and husband. How can I turn everything off and be intimate with- husband when I have had such a crappy day? How can I turn all smiles and giggles with easy child when I can't even force a smile on my face?