New Member
My son is 10 y/o. Has been on about 20 or so medications since Kindergarten. Nothing works for long, so I've decided to go to natural treatments. The only problem I have found is that there are so many different ones to try. I dont want him taking a vitamin cocktail, but cant find 1 liquid or pill format of them all. Anyway my son has been to a nuerologist who diagnosed him with ODD, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and mood disorders. We get up every morning with him screaming, blaming things on us and then saying he didnt do any of the above. Its hard because I have two younger sons (7 and 3) and Drake the oldest thinks he gets the bum end of everything since he doesnt get to participate in some outings or get a lot of rewards for his behavior. What gets me is that around other people he can control his anger and aggression (unless he gets embarrassed)or when he wants something. But I am also trying to teach him that there are consequences to his actions. because again he can control it at times. Right now he is taking 40mg of Adderall, 20mg of clonidine and 150 of wellbutrin. But still no progress. I am new to this group and could use some help. I am wanting to get him a hair analysis to see what vitamins he is lacking, but I cant afford it. He has medicaid but if I go to natural treatments I dont know how I can afford it. Please help anyone.