I take medication that makes you so hungry that I once read that you can't lose weight if you are on it. I WAS working out and have "thin" genes. That doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want and abuse my body by smoking (cough, cough) and eating too much, but I didn't gain weight quickly and food was not that important to me...until the medication. And it REALLY helped me so stopping it was and is not an option.
I lost t he weight I'd gained and am working hard to keep it off. I have a job where I'm on my feet and running literally the entire day. I work out on days off. Yes, it's boring, but I have my headset and music and running can be very invigorating. I had to work up to it. I was not in shape. I remember a few years where my thighs would rub together and tear the inside of my pants. I could barely cross my legs. I hated how I felt so I can be very stubborn and I decided that no matter what anyone said about not being able to lose weight on Paroxatene, I would...and did.
I have studied (what else..lol) all about nutrition. Smaller, but more frequent healthy meals are better for you than sitting down to a huge meal. Americans eat more than anyone in the world and we look it. And are not as healthy as our European counterparts. We drive more too, on days when we can ride our bikes or walk. I am now in the habit of doing the latter two when it's warmer in Wisconsin and possible and I do exercise inside my house when it's cold.
I do use artificial sweetners instead of sugar as sugar has never done anything good to anybody and I have to hear of cancer being caused by them with any consistency. I also read, and believe, that the sugar industry is behind some of the studies. At any rate, I'm 61 and went to the doctor today. All my vitals and bloodwork and an EKG were good. I have elective surgery coming up and all the doctors keep telling me I'm in such good shape that it should not be a big problem. Seriously, before I started Weight Watchers, I first started asking and listening to folks who were of normal weight and in good condition to hear what they do to maintain it. I was never unable to exercise and always did, but I was very obese for several years.
Guys, no matter what you do to get healthy, seriously, if you smoke forget it. If it were me, I'd try to quit smoking before trying anything else. Smoking will do more bad stuff for you than anything. It also makes you tire easily and winds you...my husband has a very physical job and was always very thin, but when he smoked, it didn't matter. He coughed and got respiratory illnesses constantly whereas they tend to pass me by. To me, I think the medical community is clear that nothing can harm you more than smoking. As for causing cancer....yikes!
I hope you guys get the healthy thing going

You really feel great once you do!!!! You'll be able to do things you thought were in the past

Good luck!