Annie, COM is right, he is not starving. He is 33 years old, he is not 7. Even a 15 year old can figure out where to get food.
And, if he gets hungry enough, perhaps he will change, get help, do what is necessary to get himself out of this mess he's in.
Annie we've forgotten your stats, please make a signature. Go to your screen name at the top right of this page and click on it, then click on signature, write it and save it, so we can recall your story and respond accordingly.
I hope you're getting support for yourself. It's necessary for us to take care of ourselves because these difficult child's will suck all the life out of us and ruin what's left of our lives if WE LET THEM. Don't let your son do this to you anymore. I think 19 years is way enough time on this merry go round, don't you? You can get off. He won't but you can. Get off and get support, as much as you can find.
You may want to read the article on detachment at the bottom of my post here if you haven't already.
Hang in there, we're here if you need us, we know how you feel, we've all been there. Get some rest and when you wake up, make it a good day, a day for YOU, nourish yourself, love yourself, keep your focus on yourself, do kind things for YOU, change your perspective, make yourself the most important person in your life, because you are........... take care of YOU.