Good Morning on Wednesday

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning All,

It's Ash Wedneday so for me that means fasting between meals today-a good thing with all I ate for Fat Tuesday at our luncheon.

I think my cold for the most part is over! Of course, it left me with no voice yesterday so we'll see what happens today. This morning I'm taking my kids down the hall to see a play one middle school class is doing-a Greek tragedy. Should be a nice change in routine-along with the fact that I'm getting two practicum student teachers starting in my classroom-they'll be here 3 mornings a week-it's their first classroom experience.

After work today easy child has a therapist appointment. so I won't be getting home till almost 7. It seems to be the usual these days.

I hope everyone enjoys a peaceful day. :princess:


New Member
Good Morning Everyone!

Sharon- good luck with the fasting, and i bet having a couple of student teachers will be a nice semi break for you, i hope they turn out to be good.

difficult child had a blast at the movies on monday, turns out they were totally unsupervised, as the mom bought the tickest and left with the youger brother, that is fine with me as he is 13, he came home so happy. Well work yesterday was good, except the stomach bug is ripping through the place, i just can't catch it. Have a nice day everyone! :smile:


Well-Known Member
:coffee: Good Middle of the Week and Ash Wednesday Morning!

Sharon, even though I am no longer a practicing Catholic (now a member of the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ), I still observe the old lent and advent trasitions of the Catholic church. I attended Catholic school from k thru 12th grade - tought to give up. Glad you have the student teachers - should be a big help. Glad the cold has left the premisis :princess:

Jen, so glad difficult child had a great time at the movies - it is wonderful to see our struggling kids do something so "normal" :smile:

Had lunch with difficult child yesterday and then accompanied him on stage as he received his scholar award for the 2nd nine week grading period. He was proud and so was I.

easy child has her second day of behind the wheel this morning. She is getting picked up at 7 am. It means she is getting up an hour earlier but in her words "if it means I get my license, it's worth it!" :wink:

I changed my cleaning day since I was out of town Friday and my cleaning crew comes early this morning - I'll be working with them for a couple hours then a quick trip to Costco and the bank and maybe, just maybe, I'll take some computer or reading time this afternoon.

Wishing everyone a great day :smile:



New Member
Good morning, ladies,

Sharon, it's hard when you don't get home until late. Throw supper in the crock pot. I'm glad you're feeling better.

Jen, how great difficult child did so good at the movies. I'm glad he had a good time, good for him!

LDM, congrats to difficult child. easy child is going to be on the roads, huh? difficult child 2 has been talking about it. I don't want to talk about it LOL! Enjoy your computer time today!

easy child has a psychiatrist appointment tonight. Nothing severe. I wasn't happy with the switch from Concerta to Adderall, so we stay back on the 18 mg. Concerta. Neither medicine seem to keep him quiet. He cannot stop talking for any period of time. We all do not think it's a tic problem, he just cannot shut up. Ever. Frustrating.

I need a day off during the week. I love my job, but to have one day off without the kids, through the week, would be superb!

Hope everyone enjoys their day.



Well-Known Member
Good morning!
Sharon- That sounds like an interesting day. I always loved classroom productions. :bravo:
Jen- I hope you stay away from that stomach bug! :doctor:
LDM- Congrats to difficult child. He has a lot to be proud of. :warrior:
Janna- I'd love to have a day off without kids too, lol!
I'm about to hop in the shower and get ready for my day. Duckie is actually looking forward to her testing because she's hopeful about her dietary restrictions being removed. Fingers crossed. :angel:
This evening we have her Daisy meeting in the family room. That ought to be fun. :hammer:
Have a great day. Hi to anyone that snuck in. :smile:


Former desparate mom
Good Morning friends. It's almost springlike outside. My daffodils are blooming. It is always such a nice time of year. I'm sure there is a little more cold weather coming our way but it's a sign of things to come.

Wiped out, glad you enjoyed Fat Tuesday. Makes the lenten penance easier I think.

Raz, good for difficult child. Little bits of independence is good. Glad you haven't gotten the bug but it's a miracle you didn't. My sis called her students petri dishes because of all the crud she caught in school.

LDM,very exciting that your easy child is getting closer to her liscense. Knock on wood, both boys have been responsible drivers. They have had their accidents but not because they were irresponsible.
Congratulations to difficult child for getting the award. I bet he was one proud young man.

Janna, I remember wishing for one day to be in my house alone. I have the utmost respect for mothers who work full time and raise difficult child's. I don't know how you don't collapse. I left the world of full time after baby No.2 was born.
Hope the medication change helps with the talking. My difficult child has the same problem.

It was a restless night. When I'm anxious about difficult child I toss and turn. Wonder if that will ever go away. Doubt it. Maybe a little exercise will help this morning.

Have a good day.


Active Member
G'day, everybody. Another hot, humid day today. We didn't get to the beach because just as I was about to get organised, the phone rang - an old friend needing to talk. And the phone has been ringing all day with requests for charity donations and various telephone service providers touting for business. I was getting ready to throw the phone through the wall...

I'm late logging on tonight although I suspect husband has been doing some lurking while I've been making strawberry jam in the kitchen. I do it in the microwave oven. We've been freezing strawberries when they're in season and we're running out of space in the freezer. Running out of strawberry jam, too. I've left four jars to cool and I'll label them in the morning, when the pop-tops have popped back down.

difficult child 3 has to see the Occupational Therapist (OT) at the hospital clinic in the morning, so another disrupted study day. After talking to a couple of teachers (still waiting to hear back from most of them) it turns out difficult child 3 has been working ahead - we're a week ahead of ourselves. So when we get back from the Occupational Therapist (OT) tomorrow, I'm heading for the beach, regardless of how early it is.

Have a productive Wednesday, everybody. I'm hitting the (cold) showers and heading for bed, hopefully it's cool enough so we can get some sleep.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning friends,

I'm running a bit late this morning - head is still in a sleep fog.

Janna, it's so hard to find a balance when working. Maybe you & SO can work out one evening a week where you can go to the local coffee house by yourself, or the gym.

Sharon, glad to hear you're feeling better.

LDM, congrats to easy child on her newly acquired driving skills. Our kids seem to grow up so very fast.

TM, good luck to you & Duckie today.

Fran, take some time to nap today. Our difficult children, many times, are not good for healthy sleep.

Marg, glad to hear you're getting out to the beach. And I can expect my jam delivery when???????? LOL

Off to the races - not so much. Laundry room, bill paying & such. Forgot to show up for a lab appointment yesterday - thought it was for this morning. Nope yesterday. Will have to reappoint, as it was fasting bloodwork.

Enjoy your day - keep it calm.