Good Morning Saturday


Active Member
G'day, everyone.

Good to see the site back up - that was quickly done! It looks good, too.

We just had a birthday dinner for difficult child 1. We barbecued some lamb and had roast vegetables - why do I cook in hot weather? I'm soaked in perspiration. difficult child 1's girlfriend is currently on a cleansing diet so I 'invented' Imam Bayildi using mushrooms instead of aubergine. Then we finished off with fruit - lots of exotic Asian stuff, including the first dragon fruit we've ever eaten. We've got the same things growing wild in the back yard, i figured we could see if we like it enough to keep it, or will we rip it out? The fruit was on special - only about $2 each, instead of the usual $10. The kids preferred the fresh lychees and the watermelon.

Tomorrow is hopefully going to be peaceful. difficult child 1 & girlfriend are heading off to church; easy child 2/difficult child 2 & boyfriend are probably going to a movie and I'm hoping to get a swim. difficult child 3 still has some late schoolwork to do but he put in a huge effort today, I really want to let him have a day off tomorrow. I might be able to persuade him to do his art work tomorrow, if I get my paint pots out as well... hey, I can hope?

So I'm about to toddle off to the bathroom for a cold shower, then head for bed and hopefully get some sleep tonight.

Enjoy your Saturday!



Well-Known Member
<span style='font-family: Century Gothic'>Good morning Marg and all that follow,
Good to hear that today should be quiet. I'm in desperate need of coffee today.
Nothing seems to be helping. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif Duckie has dance then we may go to a special
story hour. Depends on how I feel.
Have a great day! :smile:</span>


New Member
hi Marg, sounds like the birthday dinner went well. What did you think of the taste of the dragon fruit?
Hopefully, you get a good nights' sleep.

Not going to be too much happening here today. husband at work, I'm going to try to keep warm. Supposed to be 23 today, I wish it would start warming up. Will call psychiatric hospital later and see how difficult child is doing today.

Enjoy your day everyone. Take care.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

Marg, sounds like quite the celebration - haven't rec'd my invitation for the party yet. I believe, I'll be a bit late.

TM, I have coffee in the carafe - you're welcome to toddle over.

Joanne, snuggle under a quilt with a good book & a cuppa tea.

kt is home for the weekend & doing well. She's set up a play area up in the living room on a big old quilt & is happy
play with her dolls & animals. by the way, she told me this morning that she wasn't going to have children - she was going to adopt
a monkey. I told that was a good idea - monkeys are less trouble than kids. LOL

Have a quiet, warm day all. Hug your loved ones.


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 14pt'>Good Morning Marguerite,TM and Jodice. It's another chilly Feb morning but my daffodils are about to pop. I keep fearing that a freeze will kill them soon. It's going to be a day of running errands. All is quiet in the difficult child front. No news is good news, I suppose. easy child and I are going for a sleep study this evening about 9:30. He isn't 18 so I get to stay with him. easy child is a violent sleeper and a loud head banger. Has been since he could sit up in his crib. easy child wants to get it resolved before going off to school.(poor roommate) It's not how I want to spend a Saturday night but it will be a new experience. I think he works on Sunday.

I'm anxious to see all the new fun stuff on the forums. I know Cheryl was up late working on it and has some fine tuning to do today but it's much faster for me.</span>


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!!!!

I miss my litle cold man smiley this morning!!

Marg, sounds like a wonderful dinner. You have me thinking ahead to tonight and wondering what nice meal I can prepare for my family.

TM, I'm working on my coffee this morning as well. I stayed up late reading in bed - couldn't put the book down. Hopeing for a restful day for you.

Joanne, sounds like you are planning a restful day. Enjoy.

We don't have a busy day planned here. easy child needs a little of my time to help her with class choices for next year, she's decided to go for the advanced degree with and IB certificate in English, Foreign Language and Art. We need to make sure that she chooses carefully for next year so she doesn't get to this time next year and find out she needs to take two lab science her senior year!!!!! Since she is my first, I'm having to really read this stuff myself. Things have changed so since I was in hight school. Now these kids have all these choices and all this pressure to take IB, AP, advanced, etc., to make them more college marketable!

difficult child and I had a nice day together yesterday. We got the car service done. We went to Target and he placed all the sample games systems. I had his p/t conference thursday night and he made scholar role! Three As and one B. He was pretty proud of himself.

Has anyone figured out how to shrink their screen so we don't have to scroll over to the right to read a post? I went into my settings and played around and couldn't find anything that made the change.

Wishing everyone a great, relaxing weekend.


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Go<span style="color: #CC33CC">od Morning All,

I'm glad to see the site is back up! Wish I had time to look around and to greet everyone individually but I'm off in a few minutes to go sign our tax info. from our accountant. I haven't received much sleep the last couple of nights due to nightmares so hopefully that is the end of that! Not sure what is on tap the rest of the day other than a workout and a nap! </span> :grin: <span style="color: #CC33CC">I hope everyone enjoys some fun in their day!</span>

Stella Johnson

Active Member
Morning guys,
difficult child is waiting for her grandparents to pick her up. I have the next 2 days off. Yipee!

SO's birthday is the 13th but we are going out tonight to celebrate. It is his last year in his 20's. :smile:

Trying to get used to the new site. I kind of miss our old emoticons. :frown:
