Good Morning Saturday


Well-Known Member
Good morning,
I'm starting to feel a little better from my sinus infection but the antibiotics are making me feel exhausted. :ill: So... I need a little extra coffee this morning! :coffee:
Duckie & I will be heading over to the church this morning to decorate eggs for the egg tree. It should be fun. :rofl: Later, I have some shopping for two birthday parties next weekend. And the Easter service at 8pm. I'm even more tired now that I've sen my day laid out, lol! :rofl:
Have a great day! :salute:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning TM and all to follow,

TM, glad the sinus infection is clearning up - especially since it seems to be gearing up for a busy weekend :thumb:

:wink: Ok, the sunglasses are a little tongue and cheek this morning. You know what a snow freak I am. I waited with baited breath all winter for my go :cry:

So I get out of bed this morning and walk into my dressing room on the way to the bathroom. Every morning I stop at my dressing room window and check out the day. SNOW, everywhere on everything and still coming down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In April - the day before Easter! Wait till difficult child gets up - he's going to be right out there! But he better hurry, it's supposed to be 50 later :smile:.

Well, I'm going to get my coffee and lite the gas fireplace I turned off a couple weeks ago!

Happy Saturday!



Good morning everyone.

TM, glad you're feeling a little better. Hope the exhaustion lifts (although doubtful given your busy day).

Sharon, we had snow, too. I'm in shock!

In preparation for biking season (in the snow?), husband was planning to bring his bicycle in for a tune-up and take the kids along for new helmets. difficult child 2 has grown and may also need a new bicycle. I'm planning to buckle down and attend to our tax returns. Running out of time here. We may catch a movie or go bowling with the kids later.

Have a great weekend!


New Member

TM- i'm glad your feeling better

Sharon- enjoy your snow you cna have some of ours

SM. world- i hope the kids enjoy getting new helmets

Well difficult child was suppose to start soccer today, but due to the snow storms the last two days, all fields are closed. So tonight he will have bowling, only three weeks left until the state championship, and then bowling ends. I hope everyone has a nice easter, difficult child, my co-teacher, and i have front row tickets to see the blue man group, difficult child is very excited as he wants to be covered in paint, lol.


New Member
TM, glad to hear the sinus infection is clearing up. Hope you feel 100% soon.

Glad you got your snow, Sharon, we had flurries but nothing stuck, thankfully. :smile:

smallworld, don't get too boggled down doing the tax returns. Get some "me" time in.

Sorry to hear your difficult child won't be starting soccer today. I hope the bowling goes well for him.

difficult child woke me up early again this morning. I wonder how hard it would be for him to sleep past 7am. ? lol
I have a little bit of cleaning to do before husband gets home at 12pm. Other than that, I'll be watching difficult child's computer time today. He don't go to inappropriate sites or anything, but wants to download all sorts of business stuff. Not typical 14 yr old behavior I don't think. Oh well, what can I do.

Have a good day everyone, hope everyone's plans turn out well.


Active Member
G'day, everyone.

TM, I'm glad your sinus infection is improving. Don't overdo things today.

Sharon, snow at Easter? A bit late, isn't it? Oh well, enjoy it while you can.

Smallworld, you sound like an active family. We still have to fix difficult child 3's bike after he buckled the wheel in a car accident a few weeks ago.

Jen, I hope difficult child does well in bowling. The snow has to ease soon.

Jo, have you ever considered hiring yourself out as a personal net nanny?

We just got back from a family engagement party. It was on the other side of Sydney, but thankfully close enough to the main arterial roads so it only took 90 minutes each way. Our weather is getting colder now, we can't pretend it's still late summer. We've just had the coldest days so far this year, so this is it - the rundown into winter. Lovely clear days, blue skies and colder nights. And today, lots of rain in unproductive places. We haven't checked yet, we hope the dams caught some too. The radar map seems to indicate bad luck for the dams.

difficult child 3 came with us to the engagement party (big sister/babysitter working today, unexpectedly) and had a good time playing with a lot of other younger kids. No problems, no issues. He did keep himself away from the worst of t crowd and noise, though. All in all, a positive day.

But definitely time for bed. A big day tomorrow - easy child & BF1 are here for afternoon tea and dinner, so we're having a mini-Easter party (impromptu) at mother in law's. She came with us this afternoon/evening to the party despite her daughter objecting, saying it's too much strain so soon after coming out of hospital, but she had no problems. Besides, with so many nurses in the family...

I've got to take the candle to church in the morning, and I was asked to say a few words about it. I WAS planning on quickly writing something, but I'm just too tired tonight. It will have to be impromptu or nothing at all. Anything I write now is likely to be waffle.

Good night!



Former desparate mom
Brrrr it is really cold down here too. I brought the easter lillies in last night. We may get sleet this afternoon.
Most Easters we are sweating like crazy looking for easter eggs with the kids. Brrrr. :slap: I think today all three of the kids are working. husband and I won't know what to do with ourselves.

Hoping to head for a work out and then just enjoy the silence while husband and I finish the taxes and tend to our paperwork.

I hope you stay warm and keep your little bunnies busy today.
Have a peaceful day.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just had to post today. To tell LDM just how happy I am for her that she finally got her snow!!!

:bravo: :smile: :faint: Enjoy!

I will be making Baked Ziti today and also preparing the green bean casserole for tomorrow.
Having boyfriend stay over tonight- making difficult child have a meltdown - wish me luck! After more than 4 years of dating you would think this would not be a problem....we'll see.

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Well-Known Member
'Morning everyone ...


Hope you're all staying warm! Just a few days ago I had the A/C and the ceiling fans going and now I've turn the heat back on! We've been down in the 20's last night and the night before and it's still only 27 now!

I covered up some lilies that are up 4 or 5 inches in the front but I don't know if it will do any good. Do Hostas freeze? Mine in the back are up and growing nicely, then we get all this cold weather! I put an old sheet over them the first night - looked out in the morning and saw my two little outside cats happily lounging right in the middle of it! So I took the sheet back off again because I figured the cats were doing more damage than the cold was!

I hope it warms up enough for all the Easter egg hunts tomorrow! I've got a cake to bake and strawberries to cut up for shortcake - the rest I'll do tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a nice, pleasant, peaceful day.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
A late good morning-ok it's afternoon here but there was work, shopping, etc.. was going to skip this but like busywend had to tell LDM how happy I am she finally got her snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I could do without this cold-last night with the windchill it was 13 degrees-I almost checked the calendar!

I hope everyone is enjoying their day!