Good Morning Tuesday

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning All,

I've got another long day and night ahead but this time it's for me and not difficult child! husband will take difficult child to wrestling! After work I'm walking with a friend, then meeting another friend for dinner and then heading to book club. It should be fun although right now I'm wondering how I'll last so long as I am so tired! The weather should definitely help as it is supposed to be in the high 50s!

I hope everyone finnds some time for themselves today. :smile:


Active Member
G'day Sharon. I hope the boys enjoy their testosterone-fest. I like it when the fellas do bloke stuff together. Enjoy the warm.

I've had my usual hectic Tuesday today. My lunchtime class at the local school; a rush home to grab the kids and some work for difficult child 3 so we can drive out to collect a friend's Downs daughter at 2.30 pm for a 4 pm drama class. Because of my lunchtime class we only just make it. It is really disrupting difficult child 3 to have to leave so early, too - he never can do his work under these conditions. Then the girl was brought out with a teacher who gave me two instructions - first, I am not to drive onto school grounds any more, I have to wait on the street corner or walk in. "But I can't walk in," I told the teacher. I got ignored. "Next, you have to be here at 2.15 pm, not 2.30. It's changed." No explanation, just a superior attitude as if I were a trangressing student who failed to hand work in on time.

I've had to tell the girl's family that I just can't do this any more - 2.15 is too early, I can't get there in time. And if I have to wait on the corner and the girl's not there - I can't do anything about collecting her. Not satisfactory. Frankly, it sounds like a knee-jerk reaction by a control freak of a teacher.

Then we had to go to the police station (cop shop) to get the report number on last night's accident for easy child 2/difficult child 2. Then to the smash repairer to see the car. Then back to drama class, drop off difficult child 1 for his driving lesson, drive easy child 2/difficult child 2 to college for her counselling appointment, then back to collect the kids after drama and meet the driving instructor after the lesson. Then - drive easy child 2/difficult child 2 back to college for her evening class, wait for husband and PHEW! Drive home.

I hate Tuesdays.

Tomorrow difficult child 3 & I are going in to his school. husband has half a day off so we'll go and collect him from work when difficult child 3 is finished at school. I'm hoping to get some rest in the school library!



Good morning everyone!

Sharon, sounds like a busy but fun "me" day. Enjoy!

Thanks for all your good wishes on the occasion of difficult child 1's Bar Mitzvah. All went off without a hitch. In spite of jitters beforehand (difficult child 1 said he had hamsters and racoons in his stomach), difficult child 1 read his Torah portion in a good strong voice and with poise. husband and I are very proud of him. There was even a lighthearted moment. At the end of the ceremony, the rabbi asked difficult child 1 if he was feeling better now that the hard work was done. difficult child 1 said in a deadpan voice, "No." Everyone assembled cracked up.

Not much on the agenda today. My parents are still in town, and we may take in a museum. Otherwise, I'm taking it easy because I'm still recovering from our whirlwind weekend.

Hope you have a great day. Hi to anyone who snuck in.


New Member
Good morning, ladies,

Sharon, the book club and dinner sound fun, but tiring, indeed. Hope you enjoy your day. Maybe you can take a nap at lunch time?

Marg, your schedule makes me dizzy! I missed the post on the accident, is everyone okay? I'll have to go back and look at yesterday's GM thread.

Smallworld, I missed the post on difficult child 1's Bar Mitzvah. Oh boy, I remember mine, and how stressful it was for me (although the partying afterward was cool!). I had a very hard time reading Hebrew, so in the end my instructor wound up tape recording my part for me from the Torah and I memorized it LOL! I cheated. I'm glad all went well.

PSSA tests this week :rolleyes: Good thing is, neither kid have homework all week :bravo: Bad thing is, my kids are stuck with a mean mother that is still going to make them do something on nights with no homework :rofl: My poor children.

Dylan and easy child wanted "brain food" this morning, so I was up at 6:15 making omelets, corned beef hash and jelly toast. That should help them out some lol.

Karate tonight. They're looking forward to it. Dylan was to do swimming and changed his mind last minute, now Wednesdays he's doing some type of sports thing :smile: My kid that hates gym in school? Go figure.

Hope everyone has a good day!



Well-Known Member
:smile: Good Tuesday Morning Everyone!

Sharon, sounds like you are going to have a long, but great day. Glad you are focusing on yourself after work today. We all need to be selfish from time to time :smile:

Marg, sounds like your day today was nonending! :slap: Wishing you a restful night and good tomorrow.

Small, glad the weekend went well and difficult child is now a man :nonono: Enjoy the time with your parents and relax a little.

Janna, difficult child had 5th grade writing SOLs last week with no homework. But, unlike you, I took the homework vacation as well :devil: and enjoyed the break along with difficult child.

difficult child has his quarterly psychiatrist appointment today. I'll be letting him know that the remeron was added back. That two week mark and difficult child just melted down. I was just not willing to go backwards with his progress at school. I will suggest we remove this final 7.5 mg this summer.

It is supposed to be lovely the next three days - 74 today, 81 tomorrow, and 77 on Thursday. easy child is already planning to wear her spring attire purchased in New York!

Wishing everyone a great day :flower:



Well-Known Member
Good morning,
Sharon- You are busy again today, as always.
Marg- Ditto what I posted to Sharon!
Smallworld- Glad the ceremony went well, enjoy the museum.
Janna- What an evil mommy you are, lol!
LDM- Good luck with difficult child's psychiatrist appointment today.
My grandmother was transferred by ambulance to my aunt's house last night. She's there under hospice care. I'll be stopping by before going to Duckie's school for my volunteer time.
Have a great day. Hi to anyone that snuck in.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Morning all,

Sharon, enjoy your day! Sounds like fun.
Marg, hope you're resting up for next Tuesday. LOL
SW, enjoy the visit with your parents.
Janna, breakfast sounds wonderful - gives me ideas for this morning.
Sharon, I'm with you on the homework break - take it when you can get it.
TM, keeping you in my prayers during this very difficult time. Don't forget to take care of yourself right now.

Tuesday is proving to be my busy day as well. Need to run into doctor's office for vitamin b12 injection, haircut, onto to a therapist appointment for myself & over to the other side of town for a dicharge meeting for kt.

All the care providers will be in attendance at this mtg, except psychiatrist.

"hi" if you snuck in.

Enjoy your day - keep it calm.
Good Morning Everyone :coffee:,

Sharon, Way To Go :bravo:!!! I'm so glad you're getting in an evening of "ME" time!!! And, I'm so proud of you - not only are you getting in some much needed "ME" time, but you're getting a walk in too!!! ENJOY :smile: :flower:!!!

Marg, You just have so much on your plate!!! I haven't been around lately - things have been rough here. I didn't know easy child 2/difficult child 2 was in an accident. From your post, it sounds like she is ok. I hope the car isn't too badly damaged. However, the most important thing is that easy child 2/difficult child 2 is ok!!! It sounds like you need to nap at the library. Think calm and peaceful thoughts... When is that vacation you planned with husband??? :flower: :smile:

smallworld, I'm so glad you were able to enjoy such a special, happy celebration!!! Congrats to difficult child 1 on his Bar Mitzvah :bravo:!!! It's so nice when we have an opportunity to be proud of our difficult children!!! Enjoy the museum and I hope you get in some much needed R & R after such a busy time...

Janna, I'm impressed!!! At 6:15 a.m. on a school day, my idea of "cooking" is pouring cereal, milk, juice, and making sure there is enough :coffee:. I hope your kids appreciate you!!! I'm glad Dylan is going to karate and wants to do another sport on Wednesdays - It will be good for him mentally as well as physically... Hope you get in a bit of "ME" time :flower: today...

Sharon, I hope everything goes well with difficult child's psychiatrist appointment today. Enjoy the beautiful spring like weather :flower:. I hope you get to spend some of it outside relaxing :flower:...!!!

Well, unfortunately things haven't been going too well around here. difficult child 2 had a MAJOR MELTDOWN :grrr: before school today!!! I had to listen to 45 minutes of, yes, you guessed it, You F*ckin B*tch, I'm going to kill you, I hate you, I hope you die a long, painful death, etc... Well, enough on difficult child 2 for now :grrr:!!! He is at school :smile:!!!

I got a phone call from the Assistant Principal around 8 p.m. on Sunday evening. difficult child 1 has a three hour detention tomorrow after school. I'll try to post later...

Anyway, today is a sunny day :flower:. After I do a bit of housework, a few errands, I'm going to try and take my favorite, shaggy sanity saver for a long walk before I have to pick up difficult child 1 at school. Hopefully, tonight will be better than this morning. As I always say, everything is subject to change...

I hope everyone enjoys their day or at least finds one or two bright spots in it :flower:... Hi to anyone who snuck in... WFEN :flower:

P.S. Okay TM, you snuck in... I'm glad your grandmother is at your aunt's house. I'm sure she will be much more comfortable there than at the hospital. I've been thinking about you and your family and continuing to pray that your grandmother is not in any pain, is comfortable, and at peace :angel:... Sending you lots of cyber hugs... :flower:

Linda, How dare you sneak in too, lol :smile:... I hope your busy day goes well... I always like when I get to get my haircut. Sitting in the chair, not having to do anything at all, is like a mini vacation for me. I hope all goes well with the discharge meeting for kt!!! I've got everything crossed!!! Keep us posted...


New Member
Good morning All,

I've had my espresso... :coffee:. Ahhhh...Nectar of the Gods!! The fog is lifted. Today is work (as usual), two dr. appointments for difficult child, and then back to work. Sharon your day sounds so much nicer than mine. Have a lovely time, and enjoy. :smile: Well must dash to get ready for the day. Everyone have a Great day.